Chapter Three

•Ivy• I woke up later that day, the memories of morning a blur in my mind. My head throbbed painfully as I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight that flooded through the window. There was no sound coming from the house, only from my year old Himalayan...

Chapter Two

•Jason• I stared at the girl with interest. She didn't seem afraid, despite the fact that I could kill her in one swift move. I saw her mouth twist into a smile as she took a step off of her back porch. She slowly walked towards me, her arms...

Chapter One

•Ivy• I woke up sweating, the most recent dream flashing through my mind. They've been going on for quite a while, progressing more each time. I glanced at my clock. Three in the morning. I sat up, sighing. My room was pitch black, the moon being...


•Ivy• _Burning. That's all I can feel. Everything was on fire, yet I couldn't move. I try to gather my surroundings, to figure out where I'm at. It's dark, smelling of trees and animals. I could feel the presence of someone- or something- around me,...


Ivy was alone in the world, with only a few friends to keep her company. Her parents were never home, either with their friends or at work. She lived alone at the age of seventeen, with her music to make the house seem less empty. One day, she starts...

Chapter One

Addie watched the battle from above, her eyes focused on the white rabbit who was currently battling an avatar twice his size. Her ears twitched forward as a sickening crack emitted into the air. The crowd of avatars started an uproar, yelling and...



_Welcome to the land of OZ._ _OZ is a virtual world where people from across the globe can come together online to enjoy themselves._ _Reaching the land of OZ is a snap! Your personal computer, television or even your cell phone can take you...
