I Want You And Only You

Cress...a young, red dragon that a lot of furs wanted to be. He has the body of an athlete, tall, fantastic long black,wavy hair, a good family, and best friends. Juden high, the high school he attended to was great also since it accepted gays and the...

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Practicing Spells

**It was 5:00 in the morning and there was an irritating beeping sound close to his ears as he was waking up. The red and grey husky got up from bed, with a groan and threw his alarm clock to the wall, smashing it to bits and pieces. "God I hate...

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Mage ch. 1

Ch.1 A New Day Slumber took a hold of Xun Ling, blanketing him in comfortable darkness while soft snoring filled the vast open space of his room. Unbeknownst to him however was the sun steadily peaking over the horizon, ready to shine it's brilliant...

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Mage ch. 2

Ch. 2 Late Night Fight Xun felt the itch on his right wrist but chose to ignore it as it would simply go away like most times but this was no ordinary one. As he felt sleep ready to overtake his form, eyes growing heavy by the seconds the...

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Mage ch. 4

Mage Ch. 4 Remedy "I still don't see how you're infatuated with that panda Damien." Cameron commented as both teens rode their bicycles home. The husky, who was starting to become flustered by this point from the reproaching topic glared at his...

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Mage ch. 3

Mage Ch. 3 Making Friends Rowen yawned then stretched with a grunt, glad to wake up his stiff muscles from their slumber as he was ready to take on another day but he inwardly groaned once he remembered what took place last night and it was not a...

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