Lennymon 2

Lennymon 2 One day the ultimate flower was created it harnesses the power of oak tree Witch was actually a legendary lennymon named blop it could suck lennymons in and take there DNA by killing them with life suck,Hsa always wanted to sacrafice...

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The CCC Chapter one

A long time ago in the land of Nigeria there was a Cruel prince named Zimbu. Zimbu was half hydra and was misjudged by others making him super duper evil...like more evil than darth vader when he had a bad cheese burger at mc galaxy So Zimbu was...

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Lennymon(The Orgins and possibly the destruction of the universe)

Lennymon Dududuududududuy Lennymon!! One day the was a kid named hsa he was a Lennymon trainer he was an idiot his moves were Frog Dissection and glass bottle attack whereas other Trainers had hyper beam and ultimate destruction And other...

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When babues woe wangs copter 2

Ok so mr.babay flew away into the sunset making the illuminati who was casing him fly away on Dere Future Stuff from the future _ **like their super mahgikel scooters with wangas and suuch** _ Kay so mr bay bay was fling away from the...

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When baby's gro Wangs bruh

A long Tim ago dere was a baby And it was a very fat baby The baby was so fat tat da baby pooped a lot Den 1 day da baby grew wangs also known as super wings So da baby plea of into da sunset Until the world grew arms and rubbed itself killing...
