What the hell: Uneventful events (Part 2)

\*Monday: 9:58am: summer: 2010\* \*Ugh\* sighed Lyra as she lazily flopped out of bed. Standing hunched in the middle of her room she stared out of the window and adjusted her green shorts that came down halfway to her knees. Listening to birds chirp...

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What the hell?: Beginning words (Part 1)

Lyra and Jen are sisters. They live in a relatively large house with only their mother because their father, a black fox, died in the war. Lyra is like her father, a Fox, black in fur with white in assorted places, the end of her tail and at the tips...


What the hell?: Peepshow (Part 3)

\*Tuesday: 7:00am: summer: 2010\* \*Beep beep beep\*... \*Slap\* "hhhh... I should wake up Lyra so we have plenty of time to get to the movie" At that Jen hopped out of bed warring only a t-shirt that barley came past her hips and a pair of light blue...

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What the hell?: Schemes and dreams (part 4)

\*Wednesday: 7:00am: summer: 2010 (upstate New York)\* \*BeeP bEeP BeEp bEEp\* Jen sprung out of bad and quickly got dressed. Mean while in Lyra's room her alarm clock had gone off a half an hour before Jens. Now the clock can be...
