It's a... Date?

_A flash of light, the sway of the wind._ _A knife's metal flashes, a target marked._ _Rended skin, crimson blood._ _He falls forward, his eyes glazing in death._ _"\<Your end was always assured...\>"_ _ _ The controller angrily clattered to the...

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New Purge City: Prolouge

New Purge City Prologue Okay, so this is more of a sneak peek than anything else but hopefully you enjoy it! It won't make sense until the later chapters, which i'll call episodes, when the story comes together. In advance, my stories may be...

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It's a... Party?

Booming bass thumped through the abode. Glowing lights and flashing brights lit up the room. Beer bottles clinked, laughter rebounded, and the "unce" of the music coursed through each and every sweaty moving body on the dance floor. "God, why does...

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