Little Grove 2

Devin was still admiring the Targe and shortsword, that was given to him by Millicent. "Devin It's just a sword and shield take it easy." Millicent told him wondering if she should be concerned about him. "Sorry It's this is a lot more than I started...

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Little Grove

The Warrior and the would be knight In an open field a lone Black furred otter with ice blue eyes otter saw a town's gates. Then looked at the sign and saw it said Ellathune "Finally made it." He thought looking around seeing that the town he was in...

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New girl

A Wolf with a fever was resting on a couch watching a little a TV. When he suddenly heard someone burst through the door. Which Spook the poor guy awake. Which he Then heard the sounds of someone stamping inside a backpack being thrown and the door...

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