Little Grove

Story by Reba the red on SoFurry

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just something I'm trying my hand at something fantasy-esque you know heroes knights monsters other stuff if that makes since. Thoughts tips anything I mean there is always room for improvement so any and all thoughts are welcome

The Warrior and the would be knight In an open field a lone Black furred otter with ice blue eyes otter saw a town's gates. Then looked at the sign and saw it said Ellathune "Finally made it." He thought looking around seeing that the town he was in was very small "To think all the great nights came through here and I'm gonna be the next in the 108th order of knightly brotherhood" Talking to himself "You got some great aspirations but you'll never last in the wilds." He heard a female's voice. Then he turned and saw a warrior girl cheetah with a spear on her back hauling several small creature's she just recently killed and skinned. "Oh really!" He argued. "No sword nor shield... How do you expect to last in the wild," She retorted. "Well I....." Trying to think. "You wouldn't, well you look down on your luck so I'll help you. If you're serious about the order come back to my room at the Little Grove inn with me." She told him. "Mam I hardly know you and..." He started. "Oh shut up it's not like that and if you must know my name is Millicent Redhearth." The cheetah introducing herself as they walked into the Little Grove. "Well Ms. Redhearth my name is Devin Iccarus Evan." The otter returning the courtesy. Then he began looking around and saw her things "Wow talk about a nice setup" thinking to himself as he looked around seeing her search for something. "Ah ha hear they are." Millicent giving him a small targe and a shortsword "Thank you Mam." Devin Glad to have those. "Sorry you're on your own for armor."Millicent told him. "Believe Ms. Redhearth you've done more than enough for me." On one knee to her. "Stop that you'll turn yourself into a doormat bowing to everyone who helps you instead say thanks and find a way to help them."Millicent told him. "Still this means alot." Devin told her. "Well I need some food you coming?" Millicent asked. "Yeah wait up." Devin told her. "Wow I just started out and a lady gave me a shield and sword." Thinking to himself.