Slam - Chapter 1: Liquid Gold

This is my first story, so please don't yell at me, if you find something wrong, tell me, but don't just write "LOL rofl gay fag n00b, joo are teh suxorz! I hate joo! Ur story iz shiz, I hope u di3 in teh fire!" This isn't counter-strike! Tell me...

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I said GOOD DAY!

_ My next story, a tale of Azuregos, an arcanite buoy, and a favor._ I said GOOD DAY! Cyllia peaked out around the trunk of the tree she had hid behind. The giant hadn't noticed her, thank the light. She was out on the south peninsula of...

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You are Rakh’likh, Demon

_Another WoW fanfic._ _I know this is unrealistic (in terms of size/length) but I'm a fan of that kinda stuff._ _I know the characters are kind of similar at times, so here's a list:_ _Rakh'likh the Defiler - a dreadlord_ _Koelna - a female human...

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Why Uda is called "The Beast"

Why Uda is called "The Beast" _This is a WoW Fanfic of mine, taking place in the horde section of Dalaran. M/solo may be consitered a tag as well._ After the Kirin Tor moved the mage city of Dalaran to float gracefully above Northrend, both...
