Song of Dead Suns

by Deranged Kitsune Poem by Darren Hall The sound echoed through the halls of the ship despite thick bulkhead construction. It was an almost whistling sound, not quite pipes and not quite birds. That it was music she had no doubt, for the pattern...

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Waking Up With Strangers

It was Monday morning. I never liked Mondays. Lousy way to spend 1/7th of your life. I had just awoken up to find myself at home in my own bed. And after one of Stew's parties, this is always a good thing. Believe me, I've woken up in worst places then...

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No Frills

The ursine squinted in the gloom of the hotel bar. He took off his dark glasses, clicking them closed and tucking them in an inner pocket of his black trenchcoat. Since it was a very cool spring in the city this year, not many would notice that he...

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