Lonely Oak Chapter 65

"Ho-hum," Emeral said as they waited beneath the pavilion outside the parking lot. Well, if it could be considered a parking lot. It was really just dirt on top of more dirt with spouts of grass every once in a while. And even then the dirt was more...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 60

Her eyes stayed upon her target for a moment, before her tunnel-vision expanded to see the target next to hers. Rick's three bull's-eyes, now just a gigantic hole in the center of the target, were second. _How?_ She did the math three times,...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 39

The first thing Ket noticed was how thick the air was. As soon as he took his first breath he felt it not swelling in his lungs but saturating them; weighing his diaphragm and turning the exhalation into a laborious task. The sun was the second...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 38

Lyza stepped out into the heat, the car engine puttering as her brother killed it. She adjusted the brim of her hat, making sure it was on straight. Beneath her feet were the whitest stones she had ever seen, and they reflected the afternoon sunlight...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 71

Hupp asks, 'so what did you all do for spring break?', you can raise your hand..." "yeah." she said plainly, letting the scenario drift away. "i'll bet rini will be impressed.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 63

"Tonight?" Rini sat in the middle of the couch. The TV played without sound, on some random channel. "...No." Beside her, Goren talked on her cellphone. Ritzer had called. "Dude, I don't care. I'm busy; I have plans." By the sounds of it,...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 61

The bottom of Ket's shoes scraped along the cement as he padded alongside Emeral. Gone was the formerly encroaching smell of sea-salt and -weed. Away with the ever-present grains of sand and endless flatland from side to side. Mute was the constant...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 58

Or maybe it was that it was spring break. there seemed to be more people here than usual. "great. too many little shits running around." "fenias," rini scolded.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 56

_ Hey, Bug-- Sup, Kev? Just wanted to say...thanks for inviting me to your party. I know we haven't been friends that long-- No sweat man. Hey, while we got a second away, ...how's the homework comin'? I just have another page on yours, then...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 49

"No! Matthew that's a grease-fire!" The instructor's words were far too late. The children were learning how to cook meat on a bowl-grill. No one was misbehaving or playing around, everyone was very careful. In fact, some were a little too...

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Lonely Oak Chapter 45

The splash of sunlight was what roused her. It bathed her lids and made them glow like a red-hot ball of molten metal. She turned over, her slogged brain hoping to evade the terrible bright that threatened her sleep and disturbed her sensitive eyes....

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Lonely Oak Chapter 43

It was nearing sunset; the great fire in the sky an orange more ripe and round than any on the surface of the world. All around it the sky was turned to gold and the clouds turned to coal. Its gilded light swathed the earth, making the shadows long...

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