Dark Fog

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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When you wake up in a tomb that smells like blood with a snake...

I know I have commissions and requests to do but I had to get this out of me lol. Super dark and really mysterious because I was listening to a Bloodborne soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhGZkdODoDM which is awesome writing music. (And I don't own the image, got it from google)

This is really really really short (only took me thirty or forty minutes) but I felt like it was show and tell time. I'm actually thinking about a book with a darker theme just to familiarize myself with more writing techniques (plus I LOVE themes like these)

As always, I hope you guys enjoy the confusion that goes along with this (and don't worry, there is a lot of symbolism and other devices so have fun =P)



Copyright (c) Cole Stryker

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.

-Albert Einstein

He awoke in a tomb. His eyes opened to four slabs of rock containing him. The walls crept closer with every passing moment. His eyes darted back and forth, looking -hoping- for an escape. The darkness surrounded him, yet, he could see clearly. There was no escape. A faint shimmer of light broke through a crack in the slab sitting atop the tomb. He tried to move, but his limbs were clamped to the rock. He strained against whatever was holding him, but it did not budge. The tomb reeked of blood; the metallic tang hit his nostrils with force and sent his mind spinning.

Something writhed against his thigh, snapping him back. The cold object moved with fluidity as it made its way up his leg and onto his stomach before moving to his chest. Its weight sucked the breath out of him, almost as if it were feasting on his last breath of life.

The creature finally took shape. It was a serpent. A blood red beast with six eyes. Its forked tongue flicked in the empty air of the tomb, tasting him. The serpent's lips curled back in a mocking smile. It knew he had no hope of surviving. It opened its mouth, the curled, white fangs seemed to glow in the fading light. A dark fog flowed from the serpent's mouth and onto his chest. It burned through his chest cavity, leaving him screaming in agony. The howls of pain coming from his throat bounced off the constraining walls and onto the serpent, only feeding its hate. The fog left behind a gaping hole to his heart. The serpent closed its mouth and peered down at the organ.


The serpent inclined his head and stuck it in his chest. Its forked tongue tasted his heart.


The serpent withdrew his head and gazed up at him. Its golden eyes focused on his own. Challenging him.


The serpent slowly rose until its head could touch the cold ceiling of the tomb. A fan extended from its neck, blocking the only light that came from the outside. Two golden eyes glowed in the darkness. All he could see now were two ovals staring at him and the serpent peering hungrily down at his chest.


It threw its body down and sunk its curved fangs into his heart.

He shut his eyes and threw his head up, howling for help. The pain sank deep into him, extending throughout his body until he could feel himself slipping away. Tears streaked down his cheek and wet the base of the tomb. The darkness that approached him now was unlike any he had seen before. It was all consuming. It would not let him go once it had him in its icy clutches.

The fight had left him. The want and need for hope and survival left him. The faint memories of the past left him. The darkness had finally won.

Until, the dampness of the tomb left him. He opened his eyes and he was standing in a meadow. The sky was dark, the only color being the wisps of blue. White flowers bloomed around him. They had five petals, with a golden stigma that shot up towards the sky, urging light to be brought forth. In the center, red disk flowers at the bottom of the stigma watched him with curiosity. Graves dotted the landscape which seemed to stretch to the horizon. Their names were worn out, but the smell of rotting corpses was fresh in the air.

As if by the flowers will alone, the moon, a large red moon filled the sky and cast light onto the flowers. The moon hung in the sky, watching him as well. The moon bled into the sky. The blue streaks became dark red and filled the sky until it looked as if blood would come raining down from the heavens.


He spun around to find a pathway, hidden by the trees that now appeared before him. He looked back over his shoulder and the flowers were gone. More trees grew around him, trapping him in the forest. They reached the sky, only a small glint of the red moon shone through the black leaves.


The voice was coming from the pathway. Urging him on. Something...pulled at him. He began to walk forward, not knowing why. The voice called out again, a slight hiss to it now.
