
Millions of light-years away, on a planet 4 times the size of the earth, a planet floats where a non stop war between furries and demons is held. On it, all you could see is carnage and rubble littering the ground; no one alive could be seen on...

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#1 of confusion...

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;3 the great wolf howled to the empty sky, his confusion his pain plain to hear. "why? why must i endure? all the others receive the happiness they wish for..."

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Yep, it is that stupid transition - from happiness to sadness then annoyance within a period of two minutes - which I am feeling now. I really have no idea if such paradoxical love is actually healthy for me. I can't pin down whether to forget or...

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I was still confused as to why ethan had not got back in touch considering he wanted me dead, but for the moment i'd take the peace that had followed the man's threats and taunts.

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A question for the future

To tell or not to tell that is the question When you have words you want to say But are unsure if you want to say them The battle rages with in your mind To whether you should or shouldn't Variables enter your mind like An equation from a math...


The Journey Home

The journey home is difficult when you have no place to call your own especially when it seems everyone and everything in the world is against you for who you are and what you want to be. Depend on no one as you cannot expect someone to pick you up and...


Polytechnica Zephilyber: Part 1

Polybius: W - who am I? What have I become?! I lost everything due to this monster I hold inside of hurts...No one in this world can help me. No one even dares approach me! \*Gasp!\* (insane evil laughter) Can't...control...him... Zephilyber...


Pet training chapter 4

As she finished naming the items in her cabinet, i say in a confused voice " i'm sorry, but did you say "we"? she quickly reacted to the question "well yeah, we live together, remember"? living toegther, what was she talking about, and since when.


Pet training chapter 3

I laughed with her and said "well, it's not the first time i've been shoved in a closet". she looked at me confused then said "really"? i shook my head, then started laughing again.


my life page 2 and a half

When I woke up I found myself laying in a bed wearing a hospital gown with an I.V. tube sticking out of my arm. I sit up and feel a sharp pain on the back of my head. I reach back and feel a bandage above a large bump "Great I bet there is a bald patch...

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