Revenge is a Dish Best Served Fat

Story by Otteronymous on SoFurry

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#3 of Fat Furs/Weight Gain

A spiteful Zebra has been living in envy of one of her best friends for years. The reason? Her friend continues to draw the eye of the man she desires. Possessed with new found demonic energy, she conspires to take her revenge on the innocent, unsuspecting heifer who dares to unknowingly stand in the way of her prize.

This is a commission piece for Paletteswappedcows over on Furaffinity.

I had a blast writing this one, and that was thanks in no small part to the fantastic outline and ideas that Marley presented me with on this one. I hope she (and you folks) enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Revenge is A Dish Best Served Fat

By Otteronymous

"Another pathetic, worthless mortal? For what purpose have you summoned me?"

The buxom, ebony-black demoness stood with an impatient tick, sizing up the chubby, stammering Zebra before her.

"I...I want to make a pact" the terrified Zebra said, her grandmother's ancient summoning book shaking in her hands as the demoness approached.

"I know you do creature, it's the only reason you wretched mortals ever draw the insignia and chant the ancient tongue" the demoness said as she wrapped her hands around the Zebra's shivering muzzle, staring her deep in the eyes. "I want to know why you wish to make a pact."

Sivra stammered as the luscious hell spawn worked her svelte, beautiful hands across her plump, striped body; the Jealousy Demon magically feeding off the zebra's silent envy of her perfect, demonic features.

"There...there is a girl I know, a cow, who everyone loves."

"A girl you say? Oh, do go on..."

"She's...she's an ugly, filthy beast who no one should care about, but...but she keeps getting everyone's attention, she keeps making them laugh."

"You mean she keeps making HIM laugh, and she keeps getting HIS attention" the Demon cooed into Sivra's ear; the Zebra taken aback by the creature's insight.

"Come now child, I've been doing this for eons. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to the pathetic emotions of mortals. Now tell me, you unctuous beast, what do you want to do about it?"

Sivra locked eyes with the demon, the creature smirking as the zebra spoke. "I want them all to see what a filthy, disgusting creature she is. I want them to disregard her just like he disregards me. I want her to be nothing to them but an object, something to be used and abused. I want her to suffer like I have."

The demon cackled, her beautifully ornate horns glowing as they drew power from the zebra's raw, pathetic spite.

"You would ruin an innocent creature for nothing more than a man's errant gaze? How delicious."

The Jealousy Demon placed her midnight black fingers across the Zebra's forehead, her magic flowing like iron dust from her fingertips as she spoke. "You shall have my power mortal, and you will have my hunger. Go forth and serve your new mistress well."

As soon as she had appeared out of the accursed chalk circle, the demon vanished, leaving nothing but a minuscule red dot on Sivra's forehead. The now damned zebra convulsed as she felt a terrifying power flow down her spine and into every fiber of her being.

Marley would pay. Oh gods, how she would pay.

The group of friends joked and laughed as they made their way to the restaurant, their spirits still riding high from the action packed film they had just watched.

"The whole thing was absurd! Can you believe he took down TWO helicopters with just a pistol?" Marley said, the brown, freckled heifer huffing as she kept pace with Toby; the dalmatian in rapt attention of her critique. "Like seriously, throughout the whole movie he's just a nerdy loser, and then WHAM, it's the final scene and he not only kills all the terrorists, but saves the elite agent who trained him!"

"That's Hollywood for you." said Bryant, the blue, hyacinth macaw vainly stroking his plumage to make sure it was perfect as he bumped into Stacy. "What did you think squeaker?"

Stacey gave an angry look. "I think I couldn't see shit over Rock's huge, garish antlers." The mouse girl gave her tail a quick whip into the stag's athletically sculpted posterior; the snarky deer eliciting a playful yelp as he rubbed his backside with faux concern.

"Hey now, if you want to slap my beautiful ass Stace, you need only ask. You know I'm always down for some saucer-eared action."

The entire group laughed as Rock blew fake kisses to the jokingly disgusted Stacy; everyone, that is, except Sivra. The chubby Zebra remained silent at the back of the pack, her arms folded and her eyes burning a hole through the back of Marley's head as the group entered the "Taco King" for lunch.

The gang of 6 sat down around the tacky, bright green table as Rock and Stacey fought over one of the ZIOSK ordering tablet in the center. The outclassed mouse had the tablet wrenched from her as the cocky stag waved it over his head in mock victory.

"Rock! You forgot to yell I HAVE THE POWER!" Toby shouted, the dalmatian's beautiful muzzle adorned with a pearly white smile as the group laughed with him. Toby turned to Marley, his warm, blue eyes causing the red-headed heifer to avert her gaze. "I'm telling you Marl, one of these days that goof is going to hurt himself."

A smile warmed across the heifer's face as she responded. "And on that day, we'll have our cameras read Toby."

The dalmatian laughed as he gave Marley a playful jab to her upper arm. "You're seriously the coolest chick I know Marl, don't ever change."

Marley's freckled face went red as she picked up the second ZIOSK tablet, the smitten heifer hoping she could bury her muzzle close enough to the screen so as to not be noticed. "Y...yah, you too Toby. know, as a dude." The two old friends beamed at one another, enjoying each other's company as always. Sensing the tension getting a bit thick, Marley decided to do what she always did with Toby; divert the conversation. "Hey, you wanna split a Mucho Grande Burrito? I'm starving."

From across the table, Sivra could see the two laughing and nodding their heads. She burned with envy as she imagined all the saucy, sexy things they must have been whispering to each other. No doubt Marley was offering her pert, curvy body to him; hoping to seduce the dalmatian away from Sivra.

"Hey, Sivra" Rock said, bringing the tablet into the zebra's line of sight. "What do you want to eat lovely? Whatever it is, it's on me."

Sivra barely acknowledged the jovial stag as she spoke, her eyes glued to her nemesis across the table. "I don't care Rock, just get me a damn taco or something."

Rock frowned, his charm had never seemed to work on Sivra, but it never stopped him from trying.

"Just one taco? You usually eat way more than that. You've been a Debbie Downer all day Siv, what's wrong?" Sivra finally looked up, glaring at rock. "What are you trying to say, you oversized coat rack? That I'm fat and I should stuff my fat face full of food? I bet you think that Marley is better than me don't you!?"

The stag leaned back, shocked at the zebra's over-reaction. "Woah there Sivvy, just trying to help a friend out...jeez. One taco it is then. Just chill."

Rock quickly passed the tablet off to Bryant, the fastidious macaw stroking his well shined, perfectly polished beak as he perused the meager salad menu before finally settling on the lowest calorie option.

Sivra glowered as she watched Marley take off towards the food pickup line, her jealousy stoking the demon's power within her, its rage commanding her to take action against the filthy, dalmatian-stealing whore.

There was no point in stalling any longer, it was time for the heifer to pay.

Sivra's hands glowed faintly, the rust colored magic swirling unnoticed across the room as she silently worked the demon's powerful, reality altering magic on the unsuspecting heifer.

Marley bounced lightly on her hooves, her red-tufted tail swinging as she watched the fast food servers begin piling her friends' orders onto the tray. A dumb, over the top movie, food at her favorite fast food restaurant, and she could swear something was brewing between her and Toby. She gave a furtive smile thinking about how the morning was just gangbusters; the entire day shaping up to be one of the fondest in recent memory.

Soaking in the joy of the moment, Marley mistook the tingling, demonic magic flowing across her as mere goosebumps. The joyous heifer was unaware that terrible magic was plying itself into her mind, festering in her cells, and twisting her innards; just as the wicked zebra commanded.

The magic swirled and gorged her thighs with a thick layer of pudge, forcing the heifer to grunt as her legs began rubbing together. The food order finally complete, Marley made her way towards the window, her movement more stilted than she remembered.

"What...what the heck?" Marley though to herself, her gait getting wider and more ponderous as she made her way back to the table. "I don't remember my Levis being this tight."

Halfway to the table, Marley felt her shirt pull taut against her body as her arms and belly inflated with a thick layer of blubber. Marley gave a small grunt as her button-down shirt started to ride up her now chubby gut, the sleeves digging into her increasingly flabby arms like a tourniquet. "Must have been too much salt in the theater popcorn" she thought. "I'm...I'm just a bit bloated."

Sivra watched as the increasingly rotund Marley approached the table from the far side of the room, the heifer's face bewildered as her calves and thighs swelled and pushed against her jeans like engorged sausage casings. The wicked Zebra licked her lips as she watched the shirt buttons heave and stretch against Marley's increasingly swollen midsection, the heifer's turgid belly looking a good 5 months pregnant by the time she reached the table.

Huffing and mildly alarmed, Marley finally reached the table, barely able to bend over as her jeans strained against her ballooning ass. Fighting against the make-shift corset that was her button down, Marley sucked in her meaty gut in order to set the tray down.

" you go guys" she said with a forced smile, attempting to play down the fact that her asscheeks were inflating like lard filled balloons. "Dig in."

The swelling cow went unnoticed by the group as they tore into their food, save for Sivra, who sat and stared at the ever expanding bovine who was attempting to quietly take a seat. Sivra smile with delight as she watched Marley attempt to sit, then stop as she no doubt felt the immense pressure on the seat of her pants. "It's sit or be noticed, you fat pig" Sivra though to herself. "And you wouldn't want to have to explain this mysterious predicament to Toby would you?"

Marley steeled her nerves and fell backwards into her chair, the extreme bulk of her now pear-shaped posterior forcing her pants to split along the seam with a loud tear, her asscheeks spilling across the narrow chair like an oil slick as they freed themselves from their denim prison.

Marley blushed crimson as she looked around, terrified that someone had noticed. She was heartened by the fact that the group was still voraciously digging into their late lunches, unaware of the situation. The heifer froze as she saw Sivra staring directly at her. "Did she see anything?" Marley thought. "Just play it cool Marl, this weirdness will stop soon and you'll be home free."

Sivra sat forward in her chair, her arms folded under the table as she looked Marley dead in the eyes.

"Everything alright there Marley? You look a bit...bloated."

Marley's eyes darted, her face burning as Toby looked over with a curious glance, his eyes going wide as he looked the heifer over.

"Goodness Marley, you''re getting huge!"

Marley began to sweat as she watched more eyes pull away from their food and onto her. Her hips were slowly expanding over the sides of the chair, her belly gurgled and piled on roll after roll of freshly conjured blubber, and her breasts were growing thicker and meatier with every passing second, as if preparing to nurse half-a-dozen calves.

Marley panicked as she pulled down on her shirt to cover the thick slabs of fat that were rolling out from under it, her shirt refusing to give an inch as it pushed upwards, pulled by her thickening, milky breasts.

I'm...I'm fine guys, just...just a bit too much salt in that popcorn a few hours ago."

Bryant dropped his salad fork to the table, his beak agape at the Willy Wonka scene occurring within arms-length of him.

"Marl, you look like you're 100lbs heavier! What the heck is happening to you?

Marley grunted as she felt the seams of her pants split at the side; her thick, corpulent rolls of bovine flesh flowing out like freshly yeasted dough over the sides of the metal chair. The sudden inflation of her midsection caused the two lower buttons of her shirt to fly across the room, her chunky belly spilling onto her lap through the fabric's opening.

"I...I said I'm fine Bryant" the Heifer said as she turned to the macaw. "It's just...." Marley was cutoff mid-speech as Sivra quietly snapped her fingers, commanding her magic to start the show.

"Hnnngggggg" Marley bellowed, her broad, bovine tongue lolling out as her throat let loose a thick, meaty belch.


The windows rattled as the bovine blew huge, sloppy globs of spittle onto her friend; the noxious, soggy belch soaking the prissy macaw with a thick coat of bovine saliva.

"What....WHAT THE FUCK MARLEY!" Bryant shouted, his body shivering as he worked in vain to brush the thick, slimy mucus from his perfectly preened feathers. Others in the restaurant turned to see what the shouting was about, their eyes drawn to the gassy, expanding cow in the middle of the room.

"I'm so sorry Bryant, I didn't mean to...HNNNGGG" Marley double over again, this time blowing a thick, putrid fart into her chair.


Dozens of restaurant guests gasped as the disgusting flatulence squeaked and blortled out of the bovine's moonish ass.

Through wincing eyes, Marley turned to Toby. The normally smiling and genial dalmatian was fanning himself in disgust, his eyes watering from the smell. "Jesus Marley, that's revolting."

Holding back tears, Marley tried to spring for the door, but her massive, suety hips were firmly wedged between the arms of the chair, locking her in place. The heifer wriggled to free herself, but her struggles served only to dislodge another clammy fart from her guts.


The filthy flatulence blew across the floor, leaving an oily film on the tile before wafting into the rafters and dusting the crowd with its acrid scent.

A group of teenagers at the nearby tabled laughed and fanned themselves as they watched the freakishly obese bovine struggle and fart into her seat.

"Cody! Cody! Start filming this shit man!" One of the canine teens shouted. "A disgusting freak like this is gonna get like a million views." The nearby fruit bat whipped out his phone and began filming, capturing the entire scene for the world to see.

"Some...somebody help me!" Marley shouted, her flat teeth gritting as she felt her grotesquely inflating form shred the last of her pants and panties away from her swollen body. Marley struggled to breath as her chest grew heavier, sinking her deeper into her metal prison.

The obese heifer was drenched with sweat, her profuse perspiration weakening the fabric of her top, forcing the last two buttons to hold on for dear life. The heifer's salty profusions finally worked its magic, allowing Marley's lush, fertile chest to snap off the last two buttons and spill out into the cool, inviting air.

Marley looked around the room in horror as multiple camera phones pointed at her naked, whalish body. The room was dead silent, only the sound of Marley's heavy, labored breathing could be heard. Toby was in shock, Stacey had long ago passed out from the smell, Rock was nowhere to be seen, and Bryant fought back sobs as he continued to wring out the profuse amount of bovine spit soaking his beautiful form.

"Looks like you made a fucking mess of yourself, you disgusting heifer" Sivra said from across the table, her eyes having never unlocked from the object of her hatred. "Looks like you've finally exposed yourself for the filthy, loathsome creature you are."

Marley gave a deep moo as she felt her guts bubbling again, begging her for another round of release. "NO!" she shouted, "it's not me, it''s this place! I just have to get out of here!" Marley pushed with all her strength against the chair, her sweaty, filth encrusted hips refusing to let go as she tugged and tugged against the metal arms.

"Are you sure?" Sivra asked with a sly smile. "I think everyone is pretty sure it's you."

Marley stood on her wobbly, bloated legs, the chair wedged comically behind her. If she couldn't pry herself out, maybe she could use her disgusting mass to bend the chair away from her. With all her weight, the bovine began slamming the chair against the ground repeatedly, her massive form rocking forward before slamming the chair down as she screamed at Sivra.


Marley could have sworn she saw Sivra wave her hand, the bovine's guts bubbling in response with a little something extra as she slammed down one last time.



Marley grimaced in shameful agony as she felt the wet, muddy fart blow out of her asshole. She was done, her life was over. She had let loose more than just a fart in front of her friends, strangers, and soon, the world. She clenched her eyes shut as the last of the filthy flatulence sprayed out between the seat back, her red-tipped tail catching some of the wet gas as it dampened the floor.

Marley held back tears as she waited for the laughter, the screaming, and the sounds of a million damnable pictures being taken. But for a moment she heard nothing, not even the sound of her breathing. She was unaware of Sivra's magic that was dancing around her, distorting space and time. Marley's eyes remained closed for what seemed like ages before the sound of Toby's voice rocked her free from the silence.

"Phew! That was a nasty one. Come on Marley, you gotta learn to hold those in. We're in public for gods sakes."

Marley's eyes shot open, her vision hazy as the sight of a normal, bustling fast food restaurant greeted her.

The patrons were swapping stories, not staring at her. The restaurant staff was diligently prepping food, not taking videos. Even her friends were occupied with their meals; Toby himself not even bothering to look up as he scolded her.

Marley was in shock. No horrible gawkers, no terrible, life ending video. Everything was least until she looked down.

To Marley's horror, she was still the massive, blubberous bovine she was moments ago; and worse, she was now sporting a garish set of red and white, railroad striped overalls that ended as shorts. The tacky button snaps dug into her thick, blubbery sides, and her fat, melon sized breasts pushed into the straps as they covered her immense nipples.

"What's....what's happening?" Marley asked, her friends still refusing to look up as they spoke.

"You mean other than you being your typical, gassy self?" Bryant asked, fanning himself as the smell of Marley's sweat soaked body wafted to the other end of the table.

"Seriously Marl" Rock chimed in, "when's the last time you took a fucking bath? I've been telling you since you were 12 that you've got to take one every day, not just every other week."

Stacey looked up from her meal, noticing the panic in Marley's eyes. "What? What's wrong Marley?" She asked. Before the blubberous bovine could respond, the mouse answered for her. "Not enough food? Christ you heifer, you already scarfed down like 50 tacos. That not enough for you piggy?"

Stacey picked up half of her quesadilla and flung it at Marley, the cheesy entrée landing with a soggy flop on her gravid belly. Marley fumbled to pick up the quesadilla, her fat, sausage-like fingers lacking the dexterity to properly grasp the food.

The entire table looked up, giggling as they watched her struggle and fail to pick the discarded food off her dumpy midsection.

"What's this?" Toby asked, smiling as he watched her pathetic struggles. "You've finally decided to eat with your hands rather than that just shoving your fat pie-hole into it like you normally do?"

More giggles rose from the table as Marley's clumsy hands continued to slip off the messy food, her efforts only serving to smear the quesadilla all over her stripped overalls. "Good idea Marl, my paws are getting pretty dirty too" Toby said as he began wiping his burrito stained paws on her face and clothes. The dalmatian dug his paws deep into Marley's doughy belly, his paws folding over her fat rolls like a tidy wet nap through her gaudy overalls.

The sudden pressure on her gut forced the massive bovine to let loose another saliva soaked belch, the thick rolls of blubber on her neck undulating as her massive bovine pipes blew half chewed tacos and spittle over the table.


The whole group laughed, never minding that the entire table was coated with the filth of her disgusting belch. Sivra clapped her hands as she spoke above the laughter.

"That's our filthy, disgusting Marley. Just as gross today as she was a decade ago."

Marley's mind raced. What was she talking about? "Like this for a decade?" she thought. "No...It wasn't possible."

Marley stuttered as she spoke, her pride rising inside of her. "I...I haven't always been this way!"

The group's raucous laughter rose in response.

"I...I haven't! I swear!"

The roars of laughter rose to a fevered pitch, causing some of the nearby restaurant guests to chuckle along.

"Are you sure?" Sivra asked with a sly smile. I'm pretty sure you've always been this way."

Marley had a terrible sense of deja vu...this was all wrong...terribly, terribly wrong. Something was off about Sivra; Marley didn't know what, but she had an inkling that the zebra knew more than she was letting on.

As Marley opened her mouth to confront her, Sivra deftly waived her hands, a wicked smile creeping across her face. Before Marley could speak, her hands clasped her gut; her bowels demanded release once again, this time with the added fermentation of 50lbs of partially digested, Grade-D taco meat.


The fetid, noxious gas filled the entire restaurant, the smell causing all of her friends to retch on the spot, save for Sivra.

"Haven't...*Cough*... always...been this way eh?" Rock asked as he heaved, tears forming in his eyes due to the filthy, acrid fart. "You're a real comedian Marl."

Despite gagging, the group continued to chuckle weakly. "That's our Marley alright, can't take that fat gasbag anywhere nice" quipped Bryant.

The group rose to leave, wishing to make an exit before another establishment decided to throw them out on account of Marley's disgusting habits. Toby moved behind Marley to help the fat heifer off her reinforced metal bench, his arms squelching as he slid them under her hairy, sweaty armpits.

"Christ Marley, you're like a pig that's been festering in the sun for a week" Toby huffed as he helped the sweaty bovine to her feet. The dalmatian's arms gave disgusting squelch as he slid them free from her overgrown underarm fur, his forearms soaked to the skin.

Stacey gave Marley a hard slap on her massive, overgrown ass, her hand acting like a cowboy's whip to get the obese heifer moving. "Come on you overgrown blob, let's get out of here. We're gonna hang out at Rock's place tonight, and the party would be boring as shit without your fat, stinky ass around."

Marley waddled after the group, her gate wide and uneasy as her tree trunk thighs wobbled and jiggled with the weight of Buick on top of them. She didn't know what was happening, but she knew that if she didn't follow Sivra, she would never find out.

The simple trek out of the restaurant left Marley breathless and sweating through her filthy overalls. The bovine prayed that she could get to the bottom of this before her gross, bulky body gave out. She couldn't quite tell, but as another fart inched closer to her abused pucker, she could have sworn she saw Sivra flick her wrist.

"Please, for the love god..." she begged under her breath as she felt the pressure wrench her tailhole open. "Make this one quick..."


-To Be Continued