A Bleak Outlook (Part 1 of 2)

Story by Ellard on SoFurry

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#5 of Lead Crown Stuff

This is another contribution for comidacomida 's The Lead Crown series! I get points and stuff for writing! Just a heads up, this story might be a bit out of context if you haven't read the character backstories or setting exposition for TLC, so you might want to do that first, but you might just find the story interesting anyway BECAUSE THINGS GET REALLY GAY IN THIS CONTRIBUTION!

Also RIP Geoffrey, chapter 1c part 3

"In the growing jungle there's a... graph?"


"Giraffe! In the growing jungle there's a giraffe that grins as it... uh, gorgs?"


"Gorges! In the growing jungle there's a giraffe that grins as it gorges on gourds. Got it!" exclaimed Inigo proudly upon completing his phonetic exercise.

"Good. I'd say that you've been progressing quite excellently," Geoffrey said in his staple monotone voice as he gave his student an approving nod, who smiled partly in pride and part relief at his accomplishment. What the white otter said was true: the sixteen year-old bat had certainly come a long way since they began their sessions three months prior.

It was a curious thing; Geoffrey never fancied himself a teacher, and yet here he was, working as a tutor, teaching his employer's new pet his letters. The albino otter was an intellectual, certainly, but it was of his own personal pursuit, nothing that he ever intended to share with others. He was well aware that he wasn't able to hold himself with any sort of social grace; he was a short, slim and wan little thing who found it taxing to perform even the most perfunctory of social gestures. Moreover, he was too calculating; always seeing the world in a purely pragmatic sense, unable to understand the merits of social pleasantries. His manner of dress was the one aspect of him that proved fitting for one of Newport's high society; today, for example, he wore a black woolen morning coat, paired with trousers of the same material, a rich blue vest, and a broad brimmed black woolen hat. Granted, this manner of dress was only maintained on the behalf of his employer who valued appearances as a social means. So he wore what was demanded of him, no more, no less.

Still, despite his social ineptitude, he found the work of imparting his knowledge on to others quite to his liking. Not to mention the added perk of access to his employer's personal study. It was a beautifully furnished room with hickory floors, walls in a rustic hue of burgundy, an Ilysean limestone mantle, a skillfully constructed walnut desk with legs carved in a spiral fashion, a suspended stain glass ceiling, and most importantly two heavy-laden teak bookshelves that graced the room with the familiar odor of musty old books. The only fault Geoffrey found was that the books on the shelves were of a purely academic nature, or more specifically, books pertaining exclusively to business, political and economic theory, which the otter found rather dry. Geoffrey always held the notion that his employer's personal collection would thus prove to be a thousand times more interesting than her public one, considering that she wouldn't even allow her oldest and most trusted employee, himself, permission to read it.

Filled with a sense of accomplishment, Inigo leaned back on his chair and stretched his back, yawning. It was a disrespectful act, certainly, though it wasn't as though Geoffrey could blame him for being tired: after a three hour session of combat training with his other coworker, Faula, followed by their two hour session (and only after a short break) the bat was bound to be at his limit, both physically and mentally.

Unfortunately, the timing proved problematic for Geoffrey as well. Much to the demure otter's chagrin, Inigo never wore a shirt to his tutoring sessions. In fact, he wore nothing else but a pair of black-dyed linen shorts, which, when paired with his black fur, made it appear as though he were in the nude. The bat said that shirts were too uncomfortable when he was all sweaty, that it was too annoying to get his wings to fit in one and that he would rather do away with it altogether. Normally this wouldn't prove a problem, except that the young bat had a rather... distracting body.

Geoffrey was a man of restraint; under normal circumstances he wouldn't so much as bat an eyelid upon seeing an attractive shirtless man. But considering Geoffrey had to catch the bat's mistakes they were seated less than a shoulder width apart. And the close proximity made all the difference. It was a constant reminder, a permanent temptation that he had to combat. Despite his best efforts, he found his eyes wandering over to the bat's toned chest and abdomen more times than he'd like to admit.

Nonetheless, it wasn't just an appreciation for his body that proved difficult; it was his scent that truly racked his nerves. It was a powerful scent, undoubtedly augmented by his perspiration: deep, rich, earthy and yet simultaneously pleasant. Geoffrey had to mentally remind himself not to inhale through his nose; it was all he could do to lose his focus entirely.

When Inigo finished yawning and returned to his former posture, his lips curled upward into a bright smile. "I know I've said this before, these are really funny sentences: the giraffe must really like gourds if he grins while eating them."

Mundane commentary: it was a common tactic the former-tribal bat employed to stall for time, and although Geoffrey could read his ulterior motives clear as day, he always humored them; there was a certain je ne sais quoi to the bat that made it hard for Geoffrey to scold him or otherwise for his antics.

A thin smile found its way on the otter's muzzle. "These are just phonetic exercises; don't try and rationalize the meaning of the sentences. Also, be very cognizant that a 'g' tends a make a 'j' sound when succeeded by an 'e', especially when they're the final letters of a word."

In contemplation, the bat looked up to the stain glass ceiling and puckered his lips. "Like how your name is spelled with a 'g' instead of a 'j', then?"

"Exactly," Geoffrey responded with a slight nod, and returned his gaze to the problems in the textbook. "Anyway, on to the next one..."

In a melodramatic fashion, Inigo started groaning and yanking on his rather large ears, evidently fed up with the rinse-and-repeat style of teaching. "Geoffreeeey, we've been doing this for forever! It was okay when we were working on basics, but I'm getting sick of doing these exercises over and over again. Can't we take a break?"

"A break?" the otter asked as if it were an incredibly outlandish request, taking out his pocket watch with one of his webbed paws. "It's only been forty-five minutes... We're not even at the halfway point."

Desperation was thick in Inigo's response. "Oh, come on! Don't you get bored teaching this stuff? Don't you want to take a break every once in a while?"

Geoffrey found the notion a bit peculiar; should it be expected of him to find work dreary? No, he didn't think so. "I don't really mind... this is about as thrilling as any other portion of my day," the white otter responded with an unenthusiastic shrug.

"Have a soul, would you?" Inigo said, making a rather cute pouty face at Geoffrey, his large, black ears folded down. But Geoffrey was not impressed by the gesture; the expression on his muzzle did not falter in the slightest. "Oh come on, I'm begging you here! Haven't I made enough progress to earn at least one break?"

Geoffrey slumped forward and stared out the window, his elbow now placed on the desk and chin resting on his paw. Blankly gazing out windows was a bad habit of his, one that he did whenever he seriously pondered a question or found himself bored. Still, outside of his business escorts, he rarely found himself in company that demanded a more graceful presence, so he never cared to correct his little quirk.

He decided that the request was worth his consideration. Inigo had been working diligently in the past few months, and it wasn't until they progressed to more advanced phonetics that his focus began to waver. Perhaps a break could help him focus... But then again, there was something to be learned from strict dedication and routine. But no, he was overthinking things. The truth of the matter was that Inigo had made progress deserving of a break; when they first started their tutoring the bat couldn't even spell his own name, and now he was reading about as well as any ten year-old. Quite impressive for a person who never had a prior formal education.

In the end, Geoffrey gave in to his sympathies. "Alright, I suppose we are a bit ahead of schedule... There shouldn't be any harm in a quick break."

The resulting look on Inigo's muzzle was one of pure relief. "Oh thank the gods, you do have a soul! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Geoffrey always found the bat's overstated reactions quite amusing, and once more he couldn't help but smile faintly. "It's fine. I suppose not everybody can sit still as a rock and wad through dry exercises for two hours straight... Feel free leave the room, just be certain to return in fifteen minutes." He said as grabbed his personal book that he placed off on the side of the desk.

There was something different in the bat's tone as he spoke his next few words, something that Geoffrey couldn't quite put his paw on. "Seriously though Geoffrey, I really do appreciate it..."

"Duly noted..." the otter said as he open up his novel and turned to his current page. Grace of The Low Light... It was a Wyranese novel, one about a forbidden relationship between a young noble woman and a commoner. Predictable in terms of plot, but otherwise quite elegantly written.

Strangely enough, Inigo opted to stay in his chair instead of leaving the room for the break period, though Geoffrey didn't give it a second though at first. It wasn't until he reached a scene with character dialog that he realized something was amiss... Inigo wasn't chattering incessantly as he usually did, and when he looked over to the bat, he noticed a toothy, jaunty grin dominating his muzzle.

Geoffrey was used to others starting at him on account of his albinoism, but something was peculiar about Inigo's stare. It was much more focused, intense; almost as if the bat would stare a hole right through him. Geoffrey found himself unbearably rattled. "Um... why are you staring at me like that?"

The bat's grin widened. "I'm just thinking of all the different ways I want to thank you..."

Geoffrey's body felt suddenly heavy, as though it were made of lead. He froze up, utterly uncertain of how to respond.

But before Geoffrey could compose any sort of retort, Inigo continued his advance in a soothing voice. "You know, I'm sure I've already told you this, but I love your fur..." the bat cooed as he leaned forward and brushed a claw across the side of Geoffrey's neck, causing a chill to rush through the otter. "It's so very soft and fluffy... And white... it's a good color."

"Um, thank you..." was all that Geoffrey could manage to say now uncomfortably averting his gaze from the bat.

Inigo chuckled, evidently finding the flustered otter's behavior amusing. "Oh come on, no need to be coy... I know you're interested."

Geoffrey swallowed an uneasy breath of air, suddenly his student's carnal implications fully sinking in. "I... cannot fathom to what you're referring." It was a lie, but he had to hold professionalism above his own interests.

Inigo stood up from his chair, and moved dangerously close to Geoffrey, the bat's muzzle less than an inch away from the otter's small triangular ear. Inigo's earthy scent now all but overpowering. "I'm saying that I want to see more your beautiful fur... preferably held close to mine... in bed..."

Geoffrey couldn't believe what he was hearing. Another male that he found painfully attractive was soliciting him for sex. It just seemed so unlikely... Then again, the bat had been a child whore. It wasn't so unlikely that he was used to the intimate company of other men; at such a young age in his profession he was likely with more men than women. But the matter of fact was that Geoffrey's loyalties lied with his professionalism, not his libido. "I... wouldn't be interested in that sort of thing," was the otter's simple understated response.

Inigo wasted no time in his response, and it was delivered with a smooth finesse. "Some of them say that at first... but then I always prove them wrong."

At this point Geoffrey broke into a cold sweat. Despite his best efforts to resist, he found himself looking into Inigo's rich, green eyes, eyes that were full of such intense desire that Geoffrey had not seen in another since he was a boy.

It was then that Geoffrey's groin began to stir; it had been far too long since he had been intimate with another man. But considering his employer's affection for the boy and his age... the idea of consenting didn't sit well with him. "It's just not a good idea, Inny... we're coworkers after all," he eventually managed in an unsteady voice.

For a moment Inigo frowned with an accompanied 'tsk', but then his devilish smile returned. The black, bat swayed from the Geoffrey's side to behind, wrapping his arms around the startled otter's chest.

"Your lips say 'no' but your eyes say 'oh gods yes!' So why are you struggling against your better nature?" Inigo purred into Geoffrey's other ear, tightening his hold as he spoke.

Geoffrey bit down on his lower lip. It began to occur to him just how surreal his scenario was: a coal-black bat, with blood red hair and a voice pull of passion trying to seduce him... It was as if he were talking to veritable incubus. He knew he was near his will's end, but he had to resist. When he responded, his voice was meek and uncertain, hardly above a whisper. "It would just complicate things..."

But when the words escaped Geoffrey's muzzle, he knew they didn't hold enough weight, and when his eyes locked with Inigo's once more, the desire was burning strong as ever in those luminous green eyes. It didn't matter what Inigo said next, Geoffrey knew that he wasn't going to be able to resist much longer. "You know that's a lie. It's one of the most natural things you can do; there's nothing complicated about it..." Inigo slowly lowered one claw until it reached the slim otter's groin, giving his manhood squeeze, the sensation causing Geoffrey's arousal to build further. "Unless of course, you mean complicated as in, full of incredible, complex feelings of ecstasy and lust, ones that make your head spin and world turn upside-down on itself as you wonder just how you managed to go on living without experiencing them before..." Inigo said, giving a blow to his ear before he stood back up, sending chill down the otter's spine.

The bat swayed to Geoffrey's front and then casually sat backward on the otter's lap, facing him eye to eye. Geoffrey couldn't help but flush up as he realized his erection was pressed up against Inigo's rear, although it just seemed to excite the bat more. And then Inigo tenderly placed his claws on either side of Geoffrey's, bringing his muzzle forward until it was but a few inches away from the otter's. The bat's gaze was one of pure carnality, a gaze so powerful that it sent Geoffrey into a trance as he found himself lost into the bat's deep, green eyes. It was all Geoffrey could do; as long as Inigo had that confidence and that rakish smile, the meek, quiet otter was putty to be toyed with and molded as the bat pleased.

"Because if that's what's you mean, I dare say that I'm a very complicated person..." It was then that the bat's stare became softer, one of longing in place of lust; the distance between the two men's lips slowly disappearing.

With that, Geoffrey shared his first kiss with Inigo. It was a deep, passionate kiss, one that sent a surge of lust and pleasure through his body, feelings that the otter thought he had all but forgotten. And when the kiss finally ended, Geoffrey knew that will to resist had been all but shattered.