In Response

Story by Care A Lot on SoFurry

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Mrs. Brisby's response

Before I say "I do",

there's something you need to do.

Grow up.

Quit messing around with these drugs, and liquor bottles,

and indecision with whether or not to drop drama at work,

and get with it, Andy.

For all things around,

you are sensitive, listening, beautiful, and in most respects, a gentleman.

A lady needs stability,

constant credibility,

and dedication to me.

Look into my eyes, and you do see a slice of heaven within my Goddess pupils.

Look into my soul, and know I need you down here.

Forgive me if I seem altogether harsh,

for I know you have been trying.

I see your sincere efforts to be quiet more,

to listen more to the world around you,

to engage with those around you more.

A lady needs all these things.

She needs to know she has a firm place to fall into within her husband's arms.

Take today,

and work over the obstacles that face you now.

Quit worrying about tomorrow.

I love you, my dear,

for you have allowed me to grow my love within you all these years.

Drop the substances, for they are fraudulent.

Drop the liquor, for they create anger quick.


build us a nest, strong and true,

for us, and for our children;

work hard, place aside your earnings, and continue to grow into the man you have started to become.

I love you, my dear.