Henry's Ninth Wife - humor in a small poem

Story by Vixyy Fox on SoFurry

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*snickers... 'nuff said...


Henry's Ninth Wife


Vixyy Fox

Henry was a miserable old thing

Married eight times, he liked to sing,

'Heigh and Ho and Hie,

They must all serve me their pie.

If they don't,

Stoat or Goat,

Their heads all get cut off by and by.'

Number nine was a Fox to be sure

With a red waggy tail and long fur

'Love,' she sang, 'Not a lie!

If he so wants and desires my pie

Wooed I'll be

And give it free

When he shows me his loins by and by.'

Naked the old King begot

And waggled his boys at the Fox

Says he to her,

'Have you ever seen such a pair?'

She laughed and he became rather upsot.

'Henry,' Fox whispered upon him

Slyly licking his ear round the rim,

'Bring no light

In the dark of this night

And I promise you'll find something tight.'

The old boy knew he had won

But before sex his bowels had to run

To the loo he skipped

Where he meant for a sit

Only to find the plunger with his bum.