top 10 rules to being popular on sofurry

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry


10.don't be huskydingo where only 1 or 2 people really do like you only to "fix" you

9.write "creative things that last so long you have to scroll

8.interactive storys are bad ideas nobody cares or will pay attenion will get 3-5 stars if you not huskydingo then you get -5,000

6.20 paragraphs really? is that serosly realistic well a book yes but when you have no spell check program ahhhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahah vampire fan fics or esle!

4."yiff" best term ever use it 20 times creativity dose not matter if you wright"today is so yiffy!"see comedy gold

3.well you can upload storysssss buttttttt you have to use a 300$ program in order to look good

2.your art program must consist of -not being free (100$ or more) -being really good at the program -it will take you forever to make a furry the above rules and you will gain tons of fans and people who actaully CARE! holy sh!#!$ so many care they will pay you big!