Doodle Story: Follow Your Nose

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon/Digimon War

Abandoned by his trainer due to his malodorous foot odor, a treecko decides to sever his t...

Abandoned by his trainer due to his malodorous foot odor, a treecko decides to sever his ties with his trainer and survive in the wild, where he finds a poochyena who takes a liking to his feet.


Doodle Story: Follow Your Nose

He was lost. Again. It was getting late. Again. His trainer had abandoned him...again. All in all, he was in the same damn place he had been in dozens of times in his life: lost and abandoned by his trainer in the middle of the woods. The treecko didn't know why his trainer didn't want to keep him. He was a good Pokémon; a well trained one. He was fast and nimble, so lithe he could actually do that matrix move everyone keeps bragging about without falling down. ...Okay, so he fell down everytime he did it, but he could bend his back pretty damn far. He had won dozens of matches and humiliated Pokémon all around the world, much to his trainer's approval. If he was such a good Pokémon, then why the hell didn't his trainer want him? Why would he be so careless as to leave the treecko out in the middle of the woods and abandon him while he was sleeping? The treecko stopped walking and sniffed the air a few times before looking down at his soft feet and wiggling all six of his toes.

"Oh, yeah. That's why."

The treecko had, to be blunt and simple, abysmal foot odor. He didn't know why or how it happened. One day, he was walking down the forest, trekking through several large mounds of mud (yes, it was actual mud, not the waste from a Blastoise) and the next, he woke up with a foul stench penetrating his nostrils. At first the treecko thought he just needed a shower and smelled both of his armpits. Nothing wrong there. His breath seemed to smell fine too, and he hadn't passed gas or took a dump recently. Curious, the treecko raised his left foot to his nose and sniffed it twice...and blacked out immediately afterwards. His trainer must've noticed the stench too, hence why he was so desperate in trying to get rid of him. No matter how many times his feet were cleaned, the smell would never go away, burnt into his light green soles like a permanent marker on clothing. The guy even tried licking his feet clean, but that didn't seem to work either. The only way for the treecko to block out his foot odor was by burying them underneath dirt or shoving them inside a giant block of ice, or something in that matter. Otherwise, anyone within a ten foot radius of the treecko would smell his rancid toes, and would probably start making comments or snapping their nose shut with a clothespin. The treecko didn't care though; he loved it when the opposing Pokémon's trainer complained about how foul his feet stank, even going as far as saying the creature cheated by shoving the dirty things in his opponent's face, something the treecko admits to doing a few times.

He was a little embarrassed about his height though, now that he thought about it. All the treeckos around him were at most, two feet tall. He was twice that size and not much shorter than his trainer. His feet were rather large too, which only added on to the rotten odor of them. His voice sounded deeper as well, like he was a grown-man. As far as he was concerned, he was one. The treecko didn't know how old he was, but there were grovyles he knew that had voices higher than his own. Maybe that's why his trainer never upgraded him, to humiliate him and push him to his peak, inevitably forcing the treecko to evolve on his own. Maybe he didn't want him to evolve because in doing so, the treecko would become bigger, and everything about the treecko, as well as his repugnant foot odor, would also skyrocket. At the rate the treecko was going, the trainer figured it was only a matter of time before the stench became so bad it spread all around his body, and the next thing he'd know, he'd be carrying around a stinky, slobby Pokémon. The trainer didn't want that, so he dumped him in the forest again. This was the ninth time this happened too. The treecko grumbled loudly and started stomping through the woods, angrily swatting flies away and pushing his way past all the bushes and branches.

"Fuck him anyway. I can take care of myself out here in the wilderness. I can defend myself! I don't need him and his goddamn intolerant nose! If he doesn't want me, fine. I'm fine without him! I--OW!!"

The treecko heard a loud crunch underneath his right foot and yelped, grabbing the foot and hopping up and down in pain on his other foot. He looked like those cartoon characters who burn their foot and starts yowling and crying like crazy, hopping around until the fire was out or they tripped over a wayward log. He stepped on a chunk of wood and got a huge splinter jammed inside his foot. While the Pokémon was busy hopping up and down, he stepped on a log and lost his footing, causing him to tumble over and land against a tree. The treecko stopped yelping and grunting when his head smacked against the wood. He swore out loud and started rubbing the back of his head before he looked down at his right foot and lifted it up to his face. The treecko inhaled sharply as he looked at the giant slab of wood in his foot before grabbing it and slowly pulled it out with his left hand, exhaling loudly afterwards and placing his foot next to his other one. The treecko felt the back of his head again and groaned. It was throbbing hard and beginning to sting; he must've bruised it or made a gash internally.

"Screw it; I'll just take a nap for now."

The treecko scooted closer to the tree and placed his head against the bark as a pillow before sighing loudly and closing his eyes. The treecko was having a rough day. He needed to take a nap.


Five hours later, the treecko heard loud sniffing in the distance. Another Pokémon, and possibly another predator. The treecko went on alert, but made sure he didn't panic; panicking was usually what got Pokémon like him killed rather easily, like a human panicking when he or she begins to drown. The only problem was when the treecko leaned forward and tried to get up, he felt a searing pain in the back of his skull. Before the treecko could ever get back up all the way, he fell back down against the tree, groaning as he held the back of his head again.

"Shit." he muttered.

Ah well. So maybe the treecko was temporarily incapacitated. He still had his stinky feet to protect him. Once the predator caught a whiff of those bad boys, it'd back away and run off in a huff, probably kicking some dirt in the treecko's face before departing. Nothing he couldn't handle. The unknown creature hopped out of the bushes in front of the treecko and revealed itself to him. It was a poochyena, coated with its usual grey and black fur. The treecko wasn't sure how old it was, but it looked very big and healthy for its age, and could easily crush the treecko's head with its jaw. But it was a poochyena, and no matter how big or small they were, it was a poochyena nonetheless, nowhere near as hostile as its older relative, the mightyena. Besides, the poochyena looked hungry and in search of some kind of adventure, not hostile and murderous. It pressed its red nose against the ground and started sniffing around the area vigorously like a dog sniffing out a treat. The treecko was wondering what the poochyena was looking for, since there were no berries or other scents in the area, short of his feet. The poochyena stopped sniffing and looked up at the treecko for a brief moment, blinked, then pressed its nose against the dirt again and resumed sniffing. It walked over to the treecko until it was dabbing its wet nose at his toes, making the treecko mutter and slowly kick the poochyena away.

"Yes, yes I know they stink already. Unless you're gonna give me a foot massage or find a way to heal the wound on the back of my head, go away."

Coincidentally, that's exactly what the poochyena began to do. The canine creature bent its head down and whipped out its tongue before it started slobbering all over the treecko's feet. The Pokémon yelped once he felt its slimy saliva and hot breath all over his feet before giggling softly to himself. The poochyena wasn't sure why it was licking the treecko's feet; it thought it smelled Limburger cheese and malt vinegar for a brief moment and thought his feet were oddly shaped chunks of green cheese. It still wasn't sure if that was the case, but so far it tasted cheese, and it loved how rancid it was. Maybe the poochyena knew it was feet it was licking and subconsciously had a weird fetish for licking them. Maybe it suspected the treecko had a fetish for feet as well and never washed them intentionally for the sole purpose of getting a rush from bending over and smelling the rancid soles. Maybe the poochyena thought that if it pleased the treecko, maybe it could take it in as his personal pet or Pokémon partner. ...Maybe the poochyena was hoping the treecko would reward it by offering some kind of sexual play. Whatever the reason was, the poochyena couldn't stop licking the treecko's malodorous feet, moistening them with its wet, slobbery tongue. The treecko had to admit that what the poochyena was doing was making his feet feel better. More importantly, he was beginning to feel better. He wasn't sure why, but the calm, relaxing feeling of having his feet licked made him forget about the pain in his head, and the frustrating thoughts about the man he used to call his "trainer." Besides, the poochyena's tongue was smoother than he imagined, and felt like soggy cotton balls. The treecko sighed with glee and smiled as he looked down at the canine, pleased that it had no quarrels with cleaning such a rancid set of toes using nothing but its tongue.

"That's...that's a good boy...God, I needed this."

The poochyena bit down on the treecko's left foot softly before it started sucking on the toes like a regular fudge bar, absorbing the musky, cheesy odor with glee. The treecko almost felt guilty that he had no way of paying the animal back, short of getting him a treat or something. Maybe the treecko could take it under his wing and train him to be a better Pokémon, treat him better than his asshole of a master ever did. And whenever the poochyena did something good or perform some kind of trick or won a Pokémon match, he'd let the poochyena run over and give his feet a good licking, something both of them would enjoy at the same time. The treecko sighed again and started rubbing the poochyena's shaggy fur, watching it as it continued to energetically lick his toes clean. As far as the treecko was concerned his toes were squeaky clean now, free of all the toe-jam and mud and other various items he stepped in along his journey. His feet still stank and were covered in poochyena drool, but at least they were clean. The poochyena worked on the treecko's left foot, licking it vertically up and down before opening its maw wide and engulfing the entire thing, sucking on it and savoring the flavor as it swished the smelly foot around its mouth. It spat it back out after a few seconds, making the treecko look down at his foot and grimace when he noticed how much drool was on it.


The poochyena got ahold of the other footpaw and performed the same actions, licking the sole and toes vertically before inhaling the foot and sucking on it for a couple of seconds to savor the flavor. Then it spat the foot back out onto the forest floor, coated in saliva. However, the treecko was beginning to enjoy the feeling of the canine's spit all over his feet, especially since it diverted the pain away from his noggin.

"Good boy." said the treecko, petting the poochyena on the head again.

The canine responded by walking over to the treecko and stepping around his lap, falling down on his legs as it curled up in a ball. The poochyena inhaled and exhaled before shutting its eyes and catching a couple of Zs. The treecko looked down at the animal and smiled as he started stroking its fur. He wasn't sure what just happened in the last five minutes, but the poochyena obviously took a liking to him, and he liked the poochyena just as much. The treecko chuckled and rested his head against the tree bark.

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely gonna be okay without my trainer."