Squad Goals - Ch14.1

Story by Veronica Foxx on SoFurry

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#17 of Comm - For Dreixes

Kaliya is back in town a week after her visit ended to look for apartments nearby Charlene's place. With Felicia out of town, Charlene decides to indulge herself a little and takes the border collie out to a predator-friendly restaurant for some fresh-to-the-table eggs.

**An Eggs-elent Meal

By: VeronicaFoxx

For: Dreixes**

"Looking forward to the meal?" Charlene asked as they slid into the booth of the brunch eatery, and the border collie nodded vigorously, very nearly drooling. The gator chuckled, and reached across to pat the girl's hand, grinning. "Well, good. I called ahead to make sure, so I know for a fact that they got 'em fresh 'n ready. Still sure you're gonna have an omelet? I tell ya, nothin' better 'n fresh, raw eggs, still hot from the proverbial oven."

Kaliya tucked her ears and nodded again, more sheepishly, and Charlene just took one of her hands to gently stroke as they waited for one of the servers to take their order. It was a favorite place for the gator to eat out, though she hadn't been able to frequent it quite as often in the last few months since Felicia had moved in. The bunny wouldn't exactly turn her nose up at a little meat every now and then, but she was naturally herbivorous, and a raw, bloody steak was right out. Charlene had been obliging in changing her own eating habits to keep from grossing the little bun bun out, but there was only so much she could do. As an obligate carnivore, there were limits to how much plant matter she could ingest before she needed meat no matter how much protein beans and tofu had in them. And, of course, having the border collie back so soon was an absolute pleasure.

It hadn't exactly been planned, but Kaliya had gone quiet and offline at the same time that Foo Foo went home for a visit with the parents, only a week after the first visit. It had taken some work, a surprisingly large amount of it, but she had finally wheedled out that Kaliya was back in town to shop around for apartments. And that had absolutely fluttered the gator's heart. There were implications there, but Kaliya wasn't confirming anything more than she wanted to be closer to Charlene. Since she was looking for her own place rather than asking to move in, the gator left it at that. The border collie would come out with what she wanted in her own time.

"Hi, I'm Charlie, and I'll be your server today," came an obscenely cheery greeting, but that was to be expected. The service industry was one of those places that absolutely required the touch of a biological being to make the experience particularly pleasant, at least for the average person. "So, to let you know, we've got three clutches of large eggs ready to lay right now, seven of small size, and we just ran out of mediums, so sorry about that. There are also about two dozen small eggs from yesterday, if you'd like to get the day-old discount. Will you be wanting table service?"

Charlene turned to the blue jay waiter with as wide a grin as ever. "Now, I know I ain't been here in a while, but you know me better 'n that, Charlie boy! C'mon, you know what I like. Shirley in today?"

The jay chuckled and nodded. "Yes, Shirley's in, but she's not one of those laying today. Want me to have her come by the table anyways?"

"If she don't mind workin' the flat-top, I'd be much obliged. Ain't got a chance to have 'er chat my ears off lately."

The gator stuck her hands up beside her ear holes and wiggled them, getting a genuine laugh out of their server before they placed their orders: a pair of large eggs for Charlene, plain and simple, and a large omelet with sausage and cheese for Kaliya. The gator was eager to see how the border collie reacted to the show they were about to get as she hadn't so much as hinted at the main attraction of the restaurant. The setup was somewhat similar to a hibachi place, with a cooktop attached to one side of each booth since not everyone wanted their food raw, but the surface had a double purpose. Charlene had also purposefully seated Kaliya with the canine's back to the majority of the restaurant so as to ensure the surprise wasn't spoiled. From where they were, the gator could see a komodo dragon and a chicken femme currently serving two other tables, and she was nearly dancing in her seat as a pair of birds approached them. Shirley was a flamingo, from her own home state of Florida, and the pair got along quite well. The layer was someone that Charlene wasn't familiar with, meaning that she'd probably been brought on very recently. She hoped the girl could live up to the restaurant standard.

"Hey, girl!" the pink-plumed avian chimed as she took her place behind the cooktop. "Got bored o' that piece o' fluff 'n got yerself a nice li'l puppy dog, huh?"

"Ha, naw, naw, Felicia's just visitin' 'er parents, Shirl. This is Kaliya. She's a close friend, up here lookin' fer somewhere ta stay. If ya got a good line on any apartments, feel free ta let us know."

"Oh, can do! Got some recent vacancies where I stay, and I'll get a referral fee if y'all get in, so I'll give y'all tha 'fore ya leave. Now, this here's Abigail. Y'all give 'er a nice welcome. This is her very first day on tha floor, so don' ch'all worry none if it takes her a bit. So, c'mon, Abby girl, up ya go!"

It was highly amusing to watch the border collie's varied expressions of confusion and concern as the flamingo helped the emu to climb up the small step ladder built onto the side of the cooktop and settle herself on the cool metal surface. Charlene only rubbed her hands together in anticipation at the upturned rump that faced them and moved the empty basket that sat in the center of the table into place. Then it was just a matter of waiting.

All of the laying femmes at Eggs in a Basket had temporary implants that controlled their hormones, preventing those that naturally would from reabsorbing their eggs and giving a start/stop switch to the laying process. Most of them also got an implant that would switch painful sensations into pleasure, which was only another attraction to the place. The gator knew from experience that laying wasn't necessarily the most pleasant of processes, but she reabsorbed those that weren't fertilized, so she didn't have to worry about it on a regular basis. If she had been born a bird, she would very likely have done the same thing.

Kaliya seemed like she wanted to ask what was going on but didn't know where to start, so Charlene decided to distract her pretty pup with a completely different topic. "So, how's things goin' on tha work front, Kally? I know you said things ain't been so good since ya got switched over ta tha farm since yer doin' tha same thing all day. Shoulda said somethin' earlier, 'n I'd've changed things up. Ya got some new streams goin' or anything I can do ta help?"

At the canine's deer-in-headlights expression, the gator wanted to kick herself. She'd forgotten that Kaliya was rather embarrassed about streaming her online sexual activity for monetary gain. She started fumbling for another topic to talk on, but was thankfully interrupted by a long, low moan and a splatter against the cooktop. Abigail's toes were tightly curled, and her entrance was visibly flexing as it leaked.

"I knew she'd be a natural!" Shirley exclaimed. "Alrighty, lemme go grab some o' tha big egg cups for ya, don' look like they put none at my station here, so just get ready ta catch, Charl!"

"Will do, Shirl!"

It always gave the gator a giggle that their shortened names were almost identical, and the slightly alarmed expression on the border collie's face was equally amusing. The emu bent further forward, hips humping a bit at the air as her girl parts started to distend with the internal pressure, and Charlene moved the basket into place, holding it up right beneath the avian's entrance to make sure that the egg didn't decide to run off and make a mess on the floor. She couldn't help but lick her lips as she saw the off-white crown starting to peek out. The pink-red inner flesh strained around it as it was forced further outward, inch by inch, stretching wider than you'd really expect that it could without ripping the poor girl in half, but Abigail was making quite a show of it. Charlene would have to suggest that she adjust her implant to reduce the pleasure output, all things considered, but she thought it was a pretty fun introduction to the place for Kaliya, especially the squirting that followed the final expulsion of the watermelon-sized egg, spraying femme cum across the table and both of the diners.

Kaliya sat staring at the still-orgasming bird as Charlene brought the egg to rest on the table in its basket. Both of the border collie's hands were tucked down beneath the table in a position that was rather suggestive, and the gator could only chuckle yet again, especially when that long, agile tongue came out to lick over her muzzle.

"Y'know, sweety pup, if ya want a taste, all ya gotta do is ask 'er. Most gals here don' mind a little help with cleanup."

Abigail was thankfully coming down enough to actually respond when the border collie gave a light tug at her feathers, and she craned back to allow Kaliya to whisper in her ear hole. Her own shy nod was just precious, but what really set Charlene to laughing was the eagerness with which the border collie bitch dug in and put that talented tongue to use. Yep, this had been a damn good idea, and the girl was getting some dessert before she'd even gotten her meal!

The End