Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 3

Story by rgii55447 on SoFurry

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#3 of Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality

The next few days I spent trying to find this fiendish Mebtilogu, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Then I decided to use my grand powers of reality to make him appear out of that "nowhere". Still he did not.

Man, he was good.

But I knew he must have been there, because my Reality Powers were making him there, he was just using his Not-Reality powers to make him not there as well. But because I knew his powers were Not-Reality, I knew he was there in front of my magnificent self.

"Mebtilogu!" I yelled, "How dare you upset the divine powers of the mighty Tlumisog!"

Mebtilogu used his Not-Reality powers to not respond. He was more powerful than I thought.

So I decided to imagine a response, "Oh mighty Tlumisog," Mebtilogu said, I decided, "I am sorry for my vengeanceful nature. Your powers are beyond anything I have ever known. Will thou forgive me?" I never actually heard him say it, but I decided that was what he had said, and that was good enough. Whatever he did not say did not count because he had only said it in his artificial Not-Reality.

I thought long and hard about this being's poor pathetic response. I pitied him, I really did. And there I gave my response. "I hereby spare you Mebtilogu, you are forgiven. Now, I ask you to go forth and declare the greatness of my mercy to the nations."

Thus Mebtilogu left, my darkest of adversaries defeated, the message of Tlumisog's mercy bound to spread.

I felt pretty good about myself, the Mighty Tlumisog, King of Reality was finally coming into his power!