Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality - Chapter 2

Story by rgii55447 on SoFurry

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#2 of Tlumisog: Self-Proclaimed King of Reality

The next 15 seconds were pretty rough, but then I decided to stop counting, so there were an innumerous amount of seconds that were pretty rough after that. Then I decided to have a nap.

My dreams were seriously epic, but then I woke up, and all that epicness I had previously felt was gone.

After a little bit of thinking, I decided to make my way back to my Mum. She may have been confused about her son's greatness, but she sure knew how to eat.

Unfortunately, after a bunch of wandering, I realized I forgot how to get back there.

So, I decided I would just follow my trail of royal blood.

But after a bunch more wandering, I realized I forgot how to get back to the trail as well.

I used my powers to bring Mum's home to me, but my powers must have forgotten where my Mum's home was as well, because nothing happened.

Then next few weeks were pretty rough.

I tried to convince my pray to come to me, telling the little critters that they would be serving a noble purpose on their long journey through my digestive system, but none seemed to understand the importance of the task I had placed before them, and they all fled in an unexplainable sense of terror.

So I was hungry.

But the worst was yet to come. In just a few days, my majestic fur coat began to grow knots.

And these knots were made of nuclear weapons, which I knew because every time I messed them, they exploded into my very soul.

And how beautiful those explosions were.

After suffering much more agony than was probably worth it for such beauty, I lay crumpled down on the ground to moan. I had originally set aside ten hours for such a task, but I eventually grew bored and called it quits after two. I don't know if I was quite as thorough as I would have been if I had went the other eight, but as the King of Reality, I said it was the best job ever, and it was so.

But after a few hours without my moaning session, it soon became apparent that there was nothing else to do. And that was boring. So I demanded that reality be less boring.

It didn't listen.

That's when it became clear. Why were my powers of pure awe continually not working? Because somebody had taken them away. I had an antagonist! Mebtilogu: King of Anti-Reality!

How did I know this?

Because I said so.

So I set out to find this Mebtilogu, but he was pretty good at covering his tracks. I had to find him before he caused anymore trouble though, because I was sure, whatever he touched was a pure contradiction of the reality I had established, and thus, Not Real. I had to stop him from deceive the world into believing his Not-Reality, before it was too late.

And thus my path was set. My path to end the malicious reign of the Dark Lord Mebtilogu and restore peace and reality to the yet unnamed Rainforest.