Tales of Torrnal: Epilogue

Story by SawBlade on SoFurry

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#22 of Tales of Torrnal

My name is Jeseia al'Tanthis. Daughter of Jeseia al'Kendara and Tanthis. I'm eighteen as I write this and have just finished the training that was set out before me by Granh. I carry with me the only item left of my father, his staff created from a simple traveler's tree branch and embedded within it all five of the elements that govern our world. My father died to save me, my mother, and all races of the world shortly before I was born.

Granh raised me the best he could and when I was of age set me on a quest of discovery. I trained with Granh and his clan to hunt, to be brave. I trained with grandma Ornmi and ride my fathers dire-wolf, Calmon. I trained up north with the feline monks, how to fight and how to keep my mind clear. I studied with the foxes in the lands of my kin to study how every sign of the world can reflect what is to be. And finally to the dragons and the lore keepers. There was the one thing I truly wanted. Left to me were a set of books detailing the experiences of my father and mother.

The world has changed since then, the portal my father created has tied us to another realm where technology and science had taken over and magic didn't exist. Furs have been traveling through the portal for ten years now. Exotic people of all looks and backgrounds have journeyed here and some of our own have left to live amongst the others.

I, Jeseia al'Tanthis, am one of the last channelers of this world. Daughter to two of the greatest known. I wander these lands, keeping the monsters of the other realm in check, and maintaining the portal my father created so that both worlds remain safe.

Our world, once in chaos at the beginning of time with the master races was at peace. Until Torrnal came back and tried again to destroy all life to sustain his own. With the efforts of my father we were saved and peace returned. Then the portal began to see travelers and now our lands are in as much danger as ever. Strange creatures roam at night, weapons of science and technology are used to hunt our kind.

New allies have come to our aid, new breeds of furs to numerous to count have joined the fight to keep both sides of the portal safe for all.

I write this now in the last pages of my mothers journal, should my adventures end abruptly, my story will be known.

Tales of Torrnal

To be continued by Jeseia al'Tanthis.

From the author:

That's the end of the world of Torrnal as we knew it. Furs of all species and walks of life have started entering and how it will shape the world only time will tell. It was tough for me to do what I felt had to be done. I only hope that Jes' daughter will carry on the name with honor.

Thank you for staying with me this long. The new world of Torrnal will not be forgotten. More tales will need to be written!