Cami's Courier - What's in the box?

Intro to the Cassium Fol The warmth of an afternoon sun soaking through the fur of your cheeks, a breeze scented of wild flora dancing just out of reach that tickles your nose, or the sounds of your family around you; Any of these would remind you of...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 14.5

### _Here's the scoop. If you prefer the story as is, romance and story then do not read this. If you want a little yiff mixed in to the regular story, then this min-chapter can be inserted and read as part of the on going story._ ### ### _You've...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 11

We arrived to the clearing as Jeseia had described by early afternoon, The camping place was tucked away in a small bowl of land sheltered by knolls. The tree line was just off to our left with a creek running along side before dipping into the woods....

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 8

I awoke groggy and weak to a dark place I hadn't seen yet. Looking around, I could see Jes curled up in the corner of what appeared to be a small hut. She looked fairly rough, like she hadn't slept in days. The hut was simple timbers covered in animal...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 20

We came out of the portal that Tanthis had formed into a field and a road not too far off. North of us I could just barely make out Torrnal. Calmon barked quietly once wagging his tail as I took in the sights and gathered my bearings. Tan was leaning...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 14

The twin dire wolves woke us up early in the morning, nosing and licking about at our faces. Jeseia giggled and laughed at them, nosing back. Myself, I grumbled at Calmon and slowly stood up, stretching out some before I patted at his neck...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 13

I woke just before the break of dawn to something wrong. Jeseia was still sleeping underneath the blanket, unaware for now. I slowly slipped free of the blanket into the cold morning air, I couldn't see anything yet but still was the sensation...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 12

Jeseia and I traveled south, heading back to Granh's camp in the woods north of Torrnal. The trip was uneventful, but gave us time to talk about the going ons and what our next steps would be. "While I was there, speaking with the four...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 10

We awoke the next morning to the now normal sounds of the wolf clan camp activities, foods being dried and preserved, clothing patched, and younger cubs play fighting with their elders. Jeseia sat there with me for a moment before poking at my...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 9

Morning came about with the noise of trees being dragged around, various grumbles and comments from outside the hut. Granh's clan already hard at work, even as the sun just crept over the horizon and started to filter through some of the trees....

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 7

Jeseia woke me early, dawn just starting to fade the stars away with a soft kiss. Her arms holding me close and warm. "Good morning Tan, how'd you sleep?" She giggled just a bit. "Give me my fox back to hug and a few more hours, and...

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 6

I woke to the pleasant sensation of Jes trailing a paw along my chest, the vixen making a cute little chirp when I stirred. "Morning sleepy, Must have been an interesting night. Don't exactly remember getting naked and I'm fairly certain that's...

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