Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 8

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#8 of TOTGM - After Story Specials

Chapter 8 - From Goo To Goo!

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Back to the Woods! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeRuZKUn5xM Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Haah... Another relaxing day in the forest..." Chris sighed, taking a deep, relaxed breath causing the girls to look at him before doing the same, Goomy and Bounsweet enjoying the purity of the air around them only for Sera to draw a falling leaf to her nose as she breathed deeply, causing the fox to snort awkwardly before sneezing behind Chris's head, sending the leaf spiraling away and continuing its drift to the ground while her ears let out tiny cinders. "You okay?" he asked, looking back causing Sera to flush and quickly nod in embarrassment. Following nearby, their newest companion hopped along, silently watching the group as though judging them. "How you doing Zorua...? Sure you don't wanna climb on?" Chris asked, looking back as she maintained somewhat of a distance. Looking at him for a moment, she merely turned her face away, looking at nearby bushes instead. "...If you get tired, I really don't mind." Chris nodded while focusing ahead. Looking at Zorua as well, Sera tilt her head curiously, letting out a bark to get the Pokemon's attention before patting her paw on Chris's rucksack, offering to let their follower have a place by her side. Instead of accepting, Zorua merely focused ahead as well, giving no response as they continued along their path. Drooping her ears and showing a scowl, Sera puffed her cheeks before putting her nose up in a "fine then!" manner, turning in a circle and lying with a yawn as she rest her chin for a nap. "Going by the GPS here...?" Chris muttered, pulling out his Pokedex and checking its map, watching his location blip into view. "There we are... And look! That's where we're headed!" he point out, showing them the coastline of their continent. "That's the end of the land, the ocean starts there..." he explained.

"The headquarters we need to get to is right here, it's this little dot... Still have a ways to go but we're around the half way point. Considering we're on foot, it's not bad progress." Chris smirked, letting Sera have a look as well only for the fox to yawn and rest her head again. "Well... You're excited." he replied, slight sweat showing as he moved along. Returning her focus toward him, Zorua remained quiet as she began thinking back on the events from several days prior when he'd come to her aid, flashing back to the moment she'd awakened after having lost consciousness following the loss of her arm. "And that's just some of the stories! Wadaya think girls?" Chris asked, referring to the tales of vampires he'd finished, looking at their wide eyed expressions and hearing "ooh" sounds. "I grew up with a bunch of old folks, so I had tons of stories told to me over the years. You think one grandpa or grandma has a tale to tell, try having DOZENS telling you stuff!" Chris laughed. "I've got enough in this noggin to really knock you for a loop. I'll tell you more sometime if you like." he offered, getting eager nods and excited noises from the group in response. Suddenly hearing a low growl, the noise made them pause before turning toward the rucksack nearby where Zorua lay, the Pokemon now staring at them intensely with her pupils sharpened like a cat and having stiffened in defense. Showing a smile, Sera started walking up to their injured companion, causing Chris to reach out warily with a "hold up" remark, watching as the young fox innocently approached Zorua until she was barely a foot away. Arching her back the closer Sera got, Zorua continued growling until Sera got closer and let out a chipper bark, startling the wary Pokemon causing it to harshly snap back in response, barking loudly and attempting to swat its claws at Sera.

Caught off guard, Sera quickly stumbled back with her eyes widened, Goomy and Bounsweet blinking in their own surprise while Chris ordered the young fox to back away. Stumbling about on the rucksack, Zorua found herself accidentally falling off, rolling along before landing harshly on her stub. With her eyes abruptly shooting open, her cheeks bulged before a scream escaped her mouth, making Sera race back to Chris and hide behind where he sat. Watching the wounded Pokemon reel herself back, Zorua pressed herself against the side of his rucksack and twirled her stub in a circle, as though trying to rapidly wave a stinging arm that was no longer present to ease the pain as she whimpered. "You know... You can relax around us. I'm the one who helped you out after all." Chris reminded, causing Zorua to jolt and look at him. "Though uh... Guess it was a pretty painful way to help you... Sorry about that..." he apologized, scratching his cheek nervously. "The way you were bleeding kind of got to me. Had to do something quick or you wouldn't have made it." he point out, reaching down and pulling Sera on his lap, petting the fox to assure her she'd be fine before returning his focus to Zorua. "You're gonna be pretty sore for a while... I had some nurses treat you at the center back in town to be safe but you're still recovering so don't push yourself." Chris continued. "You lost your arm... You don't want to do too much and risk causing more damage, or infection. That's why you're here with me." he explained. "I'm pretty good with Pokemon, more than I seem to be with my own kind..." he assured, showing slight sweat as he thought about his past. "So uh, you're fine with us, don't worry." he nodded, the girls doing the same.

"That guy who attacked you is probably in a hospital by now. I didn't kill him but I don't think he's ever gonna be quite the same after the blow he took. I kinda turned his face inside out just about." he added, Bounsweet and Goomy looking up at him while remembering the punch and blushing slightly while Sera nodded at Zorua and barked in a chipper manner, wagging her tail excitedly while leaning against Chris with a smile. "Ha ha, yeah, your papa packs a punch!" he grinned, poking Sera on the nose before looking at Zorua again. "...I know you're in pain, and I don't know what your story is, but..." he paused. "I don't like leaving folks that suffered behind. You don't have to like us or anything but... I'd appreciate it if you'd stick with us long enough for me to make sure that stub of yours is fully healed. I got everything we'd need to help you so the choice is yours." he assured. "Just so you know... My name's Chris, this here is Bounsweet and Goomy, and this..." he smirked, raising Sera up. "Little ball of fur you swat at is my little girl!" he added, setting the fox back on his lap. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't do that to her again by the way." Chris insisted while Zorua gave a skeptical look in response, raising her eyebrow as she looked between him and Sera, their difference in species failing to register in her mind. "...It's complicated but, to make a long story short, her mother entrusted her to me, so I adopted her." Chris explained while Zorua looked around, failing to care as she worked on placing her surroundings. "...Well then. Guess conversation isn't gonna happen much..." Chris scowled. "Look, if you don't wanna stick with us, is there some place I can take you at least? I mean, I guess you could do what you want, but I'd feel better knowing I left you someplace proper before just going about our ways." he affirmed.

Looking back at him, the silent Pokemon gave a distrusting glare in response. "Oh come on, do I really seem like a threat to you? Look who I'm traveling with!" Chris point out. "If you don't believe me, ask the girls. I might beat the crap out of guys like that now and then, but I don't spend my time abusing innocent folks. I already admit what I did hurt you, and I apologized for it. I just wanna make up for it by helping you out a little, that's all." he scowled. "I'm not any kind of guy like the one you got away from. I'm not even a Pokemon trainer if that's what you're worried about. I'm on my way to the ocean, there's a ship waiting for me I gotta be on time for. Only reason these girls are with me is the same as you, I helped em' out and I'm looking after them until they're able to be on their own again." Chris explained. "Bounsweet here, she actually found me when she was being attacked by a bunch of birds that'd kidnapped her, so I promised to take her back home using my ship." he smirked, nodding at the berry-like Pokemon and getting a smile that appeared uncertain in response as Bounsweet showed a drop of sweat. "Goomy here is like you, she has a condition that prevents her skin from staying lubed, so I rub lotion on her throughout the day to keep her in top shape. We're hoping her problem will fix itself when she evolves." Chris point out. "...Seriously, you're fine with us." he repeat, looking at Zorua as she focused on each of them before suddenly jolting wide eyed and shuddering, letting out a groan of sorts and hissing as her body tensed. "Sore again huh...? You did fall on it pretty good... Hang on." Chris coaxed, setting Sera aside before approaching the wounded Pokemon, causing her to shoot up and glare at him.

Getting closer, his approach made Zorua arch again, her fur standing on end as he squat down. "I can't help you if you're just gonna stand in the way snarlin' at me. I need my bag." he lectured, reaching over the Pokemon causing her to quickly hop aside. Opening it up and rummaging, Chris pulled out supplies while Zorua took the chance to back away, only to pause and turn to see the girls having gathered behind her, smiling reassuringly as Chris sat with a roll of bandages and a tube of cream. "Here we are... This ointment will numb the pain and work to help keep it disinfected too. Then just put more of this on ya and you're good to go for a while." he assured with a smirk, looking at Zorua as she turned back to him. Merely looking at one another for a moment, Chris finally let out a sigh and set the supplies down before crossing his legs and resting his cheek on his hand. "So we're gonna do it this way huh? I'm used to Pokemon who hate humans so you just go ahead and keep staring at me. In the meantime that pain you're feeling is only gonna get worse. And if that stub gets infected, you just go ahead and think of what could happen." Chris warned. "Your type only listens to the facts so... You thought bleeding to death was bad? Ever heard of gangrene? It's when your skin just starts rotting away. It'll start right at that stub and spread all over, inside and out unless you keep that wound treated." he affirmed, the girls showing pale looks and shuddering uncomfortably while Zorua glanced at her stub. "Trust me, this won't hurt nearly as bad as what I had to do before. I just rub on some cream, wrap up the wound and that's all." he assured, watching Zorua as she debated. "Or... You can just let your body rot. And that's a really, REALLY bad way to go." he reminded.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Firm Yet Tender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B5RDCRQRY0 Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Looking back at him, Zorua tensed when the girls started chatting in their own manners, collectively trying to convince the wary Pokemon to trust him, while Sera took a more assertive approach and point her paw at Zorua, barking insistently while pointing her paw at Chris as well. Looking at them all, Zorua returned her focus to Chris and twitched an agitated eye, only to wince when her stub started throbbing again. "Gonna get worse..." he repeat before picking up the bandages and lotion again. "I just wanna help you. I know losing an arm isn't something you can just get over, but you could at least accept it when someone offers to make it a little less painful. Being tough is one thing, it's well and good, but don't let it turn you into a fool." he affirmed. "You might satisfy your pride by rejecting the offer, but you're gonna feel pretty damned...!!" Chris paused, looking at Sera with a "whoop!" and covering his mouth, insisting she forget the word before continuing as the fox blinked and tilt her head curiously. "That is... You're gonna feel pretty stupid when you go out there on your own in your shape and wind up a lot worse off because of it." he warned. "I can treat you, then you can go off whenever and wherever you like and hate me as much as you want once that stub is all healed up. How you feel about me isn't my concern, it's the shape you're in." he finished as the girls looked at one another before chatting to Zorua again, continuing to coax her into trusting him. After a moment, the small Pokemon faced down, thinking things over while glancing at her stub as another throbbing sensation rushed through her from it, making her twitch an eye and grit her teeth before finally looking up at Chris, her expression making her discontent with the situation clear.

"It's like I said, I don't care how you feel about me. I'm the one who sealed that stub, now I just wanna make sure it's tended to right. Finish what I started, then you can be on your way anytime." he repeat, holding the supplies out. "I learned a long time ago there's no point in trying to make everyone like you. Best a guy can do is make sure he does what he can in life, for himself, and for others when there's an opportunity. And take responsibility when he needs to. That's all I wanna do." Chris nodded. Continuing to look at him, Zorua glanced back at the girls as they nodded as well, looking down with a scowl before returning her focus to Chris, and just as she finally took a step in his direction, albeit begrudgingly, the flashback came to an end as she heard him exclaim "Hey, you okay?" in a concerned tone, suddenly stopping and looking at Goomy as she groaned and slumped weakly on his shoulder. Reaching up to feel her over, the coarseness of her skin made him jolt before looking around and making his way to a nearby log. "I knew I should've treated you before now... Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he asked in a stern manner, Bounsweet jumping aside while Sera did the same as he began sitting, causing Goomy to slump off his shoulder as though melting causing him to quickly catch her as best he could, setting her on his lap while he removed his rucksack. Beginning to rummage, he made an "Honestly..." comment, asking Goomy what had gotten into her the past few days as he pulled out her lotion. "I keep telling you, when it comes to your body you know it better than anyone. You've gotta let me know the minute you start feeling off or else you get like this." he lectured, making Goomy groan guiltily as she slumped on his lap.

Covering his hands, Chris began rubbing and massaging her. "Sera, can you get a bottle for me?" he asked, looking at the young fox and getting a chipper bark before she jumped into his rucksack and dug her way around. "Geez... I'm just gonna have to start watching you every minute from here on. If you're not gonna be honest I'll have to do everything myself for you then... Look at your skin, it's getting wrinkled now, got a crack here and there. If you're not tended to right you know what will happen, and I ain't lettin' it." Chris affirmed as Sera popped her head out from his bag with the end of a water bottle in her mouth, letting out a muffled bark. "Ahh, that's my girl." he smirked, nodding and adding a "thanks" while taking it, the fox barking a second time and wagging her tail. "Take a drink now, get your fluids back up...: he coaxed, this time his voice in a softer tone as he offered the bottle to Goomy, getting another groan as she slowly parted her lips and accepted it, guzzling the contents. "This is the worst you've let yourself get yet... When people can't trust one another, when they can't be honest, bad stuff always happens. You're this way now because of that..." he lectured, keeping his tone soft as Goomy pulled her mouth back with an apologetic noise. Setting the bottle aside, Chris covered his hands with ointment a second time and resumed coating the Pokemon, her demeanor slowly improving as he worked on restoring her. Watching for some time, Zorua sat nearby in a judging manner, looking at Sera and Bounsweet as they looked up at Goomy in concern from Chris's feet, watching as he took care of their companion. "This is gonna take a while girls... She's pretty bad this time." he point out as the two sulked.

Hearing this, Goomy's demeanor worsened as she further sulked, with Chris taking it as though her health had declined more as he softly told her "Hang in there... I gotcha..." before offering another drink. Continuing to watch, after a moment Zorua turned her face away, closing her eyes until responding with "She's guilty..." using Telepathy, causing the group to jolt and look at her. "Say what?" Chris asked. "I said she's guilty." Zorua repeat. "I said it in your tongue. Don't you know your own language?" she asked coldly, glancing at him causing Chris to scowl. "Well, thank you very much..." he replied. "Guilty about what though? Nothing to be guilty for." he added, turning Goomy toward him. "What's wrong?" he asked as she looked up at him before looking down and letting out murmuring sounds. "...Could I bother you just enough to explain the problem?" Chris asked, looking at Zorua as she returned her focus elsewhere. "She's sulking because you keep stopping for her sake all the time. You have somewhere to be, right? That's why." the limping Pokemon explained as she made her way toward a nearby bush and plucked a berry with her mouth. "You'd know why if you paid attention." she added. "Sorry, not a mind reader..." Chris replied in a somewhat agitated tone. "Traveling with you is like being with Ninetales all over again..." he thought to himself with another scowl. "Hates human's like Serenity too... Fate sure loves giving me the hard ones." he added, letting out a sigh while looking down at Goomy as he massaged. "And the hard headed..." he scowled. "I mean it, you gotta warn me sooner." he spoke aloud, getting a nod from the sulky Pokemon in response.

Continuing to treat her, Chris kept an eye on Goomy's expression until finally letting out a sigh. "Goomy... Listen to me..." he began, causing her to glance up at him. "It's true I gotta get to my ship... But you gotta realize, I'm not so much in a hurry that you've gotta put yourself in second place. I took you under my care, because I care. It's just like I told Zorua a week ago, I finish what I start and I hate doing things half way." he insisted. "Your skin getting in this condition, you feeling bad, putting your health at risk just so we can get somewhere quicker, stuff like that makes me feel way worse than being a little late." he lectured, causing Goomy's eyes to widen slightly. "You might not get it, but it makes me feel good taking care of you like this. Haven't you realized by now I like being able to bond with folks?" he asked. "You girls have seen how I am with people like me. The distance... Looks I tend to get. I don't have the chance to get all that close to most. But you girls... You're different. Being able to help you..." he paused, looking at Bounsweet. "Protecting you..." he added, looking at Sera. "Taking care of you..." he smirked. "I enjoy it. Getting to where I gotta go is important, but each of you is just as important, and so is everything I do for you. It's all part of the journey, and I don't wanna miss out on any of it." Chris affirmed. "Put it this way, I care about getting where I gotta go, sure..." he admit with a nod. "But I care about you way more." he grinned, causing Goomy to flush with her eyes fully widened, Bounsweet sharing the same look while Sera stood and barked excitedly, her tail once again wagging in an eager manner from his remarks. "What's the point in getting where I gotta be if it makes who I care about suffer? That's no journey, it's a guilt trip." he point out.

"Next time you go feeling bad about me having to stop for your sake, you just remember there's nothing more important to me than you being healthy and safe, and happy of course." he affirmed. "What kind of man puts his destination before his friends, huh?" he chuckled, rubbing Goomy on the head. "I have just as much fun taking care of you as I do anything else. The people who are willing to be close to me, despite who and what I am..." he paused, looking at the group. "I always put them before everything, no matter what. A man's friends are like his family, his greatest treasure, and mine matters more to me than anything in the world. Between all of you and my ship, the ship can always wait." he grinned again, showing the warmer side to himself that had Goomy and Bounsweet swooning in a flustered state of surprise while Sera eagerly rubbed against his leg and barked, looking up with a smile from ear to ear. "Now... You'll be honest with me from now on, right? You'll let me know as soon as you need treatment?" he asked, Goomy nodding in a slightly teary manner and responding with a chipper noise. "Atta girl." he nodded back. "Now... Lets finish getting you back up to par." he offered, resuming his treatment while letting her drink more. Relaxing and letting Chris do as he wished, Goomy remained teary and sniffled slightly, reflecting on his words while Bounsweet joined Sera in rubbing against his legs, the berry-like Pokemon cooing quietly in a satisfied manner while the fox continued wagging her tail. Nearby, Zorua watched with another berry in her mouth, letting out a "meh..." remark before facing away. Looking toward her, Chris was silent as he began flashing back to the first time they'd heard Zorua use Telepathy.

During one of the moments he'd been putting new bandages on her stub, he recalled the way she'd suddenly let out a profane remark, followed by a furious "WATCH IT!!" during one of his usual treatments, having bandaged her stub too tightly. Remembering how it'd made him freeze initially, with the girls shocked in their own ways from hearing one of their own speaking human, it made a smirk appear on his face as he continued looking at Zorua, causing her to show an irritated sneer in response. "Quit with the look." she ordered, causing him to jolt and scowl instead. "I know I said I didn't care about how you were toward me, but would it hurt to be a LITTLE bit nicer?" he asked. "Yes." Zorua replied, turning her face with her nose up before glancing back at him. "I don't GET you. If this was a story the way you talk all the time would make everyone groan. You're too corny and you never stop." she point out. "Don't ANY of you ever get tired of it?" she asked, looking at the girls. "Hey! What I say comes from the heart!" Chris argued. "If you ask me you should pull that sleeve up a little. You wear your heart way too close to your wrist. It's annoying." Zorua scoffed, making him flash back to Alicia. "The hell...? Are you like, ALL of them in one mean little ball?" he asked, making the Pokemon raise an eyebrow. "Say what now? All of who?" she asked. Looking away, Chris responded with "Forget about it" while waving his hand. At his feet, Bounsweet and Sera were scowling from the coldness Zorua put off. "Whatever." she shrugged before turning away and eating more from the bush behind her. "You're corny AND weird..." she grumbled, her remarks suddenly making Sera growl while standing with her head lowered.

"Both arms or not, don't even try it." Zorua warned, glancing back with her eyes dimly aglow. "I can easily FRY your tiny bra..." she added, pausing when Chris raised an "excuse me?" type of eyebrow. Going silent, she decided to ignore Sera and continue eating while he reach down and pet the fiery fox. "Don't worry kiddo, not everyone is the same. Some folks are just a little less agreeable than others. That's all." he explained. "Give it time, Zorua will come around." he assured. "Not likely." the distant Pokemon scoffed. Taking a breath to relax, Chris was about to try and form some form of bridge with her only to find himself distracted by a sudden warmth radiating into his lap. Blinking curiously, he let out an "eh?" before looking down, raising his hands to find Goomy beginning to glow. "Th-That light..." he muttered, causing Bounsweet and Sera to jolt before turning to look curiously, Zorua twitching an ear and glancing back as well. "I-I know that light... Y-Yo! Goomy! Look!" he exclaimed, the groggy Pokemon opening her eyes and yawning after his touch lulled her. Looking up curiously, she tilt her head and let out a "huh?" sounding noise before realizing her body was giving off an aura, looking down at herself curiously. "You're doing it girl!! You're gonna evolve!!" Chris grinned excitedly, causing her eyes to widen. "This might be the moment of truth! Your body might be able to fix whatever's wrong with it!" he reminded as she started to panic, hopping about on his lap as if struggling to decide whether or not she was ready, her noises akin to rapid "oh my gosh!" repetitions. "Your kind never ceases to surprise a guy. It really does just happen when it's ready." Chris chuckled. "Well, or maybe I've just got the magic touch!" he added with a laugh.

Showing a flush, Goomy looked up and started snapping at him for making a crude joke during such a moment, feeling as though he were ignoring her dilemma, hopping in place while doing so making him raise his hands and apologize. Seeing her glow gradually turn brighter, he suddenly let out an "oop!" and told everyone to look away, knowing of the flash to come. Doing as told, Bounsweet tightly shut her eyes while Sera lowered her head to the ground and covered her eyes with her front paws. Turning his own face away, Chris shut his eyes as well just before Goomy let off her flash of light, Sera having peeked due to her curiosity causing the light to leave spots in her vision, the startled fox stumbling onto her back and letting out a yip of sorts. Feeling the Pokemon atop his lap changing, Chris tried to squint in the middle of the process, noticing Sera wiping her eyes with her paws and trying to shake off the spots. "I warned ya." he point out as the fox whimpered. After a moment, while having felt Goomy's weight change as well, he noticed the time for the unveiling second flash had come, causing him to warn the group once more before shutting his eyes. This time obeying, Sera panicked and kept her eyes concealed until the moment was over, with everyone opening their eyes to see the remnants of sparkles around the Pokemon on his lap, her light fading away. "And there you have it!" Chris grinned, looking down at the new form of their companion, her eyes slowly opening as Bounsweet and Sera let out "oohh"s of intrigue. "So this is what a Sliggoo is like in person... You know, you're awful cute now!" Chris chuckled. "How about you girls? She looks good, right?" he asked, the two nodding and letting out praising noises.

Twitching and adjusting her antennae, Sliggoo tilt her head in a confused manner, letting out an "eh?" of sorts before rubbing her eyes. "What's the matter?" Chris asked curiously, watching as she looked around and continued twitching her antennae. Letting out a nervous sound, she started rubbing her eyes again, blinking several times repeatedly as she grew further confused the more sounds she heard. Tilting his head, Chris repeat his question, adding "You alright?" as the girls went from excited to puzzled themselves. Reaching her small arms out, Sliggoo waved them around, crawling along before nearly falling off Chris's legs. "Hey now, careful there!" he cautioned, reaching out and catching her as she panicked. "I know evolving can feel a little weird but still." he smiled nervously. "Now... Everything good?" he asked, looking her over. "Say... Your skin looks good now! All the cracks are gone... Doesn't feel all crusty... At least it fixed that much!" he smiled as Sliggoo's antennae tilt toward him, following the sound of his voice. Blinking at her, Chris was put in a curious state of his own, setting her back down while noticing her head didn't move to focus on his face, her gaze remaining forward until she was looking at his torso. Looking at her antennae redirecting themselves all over the place, he watched as she started rubbing her eyes again, blinking as though she were in a daze of sorts. "Her skin... Since she's covered in lotion, can't tell if it's making its own coating or not..." Chris thought to himself. "Is it true about that though...?" he added in thought, looking toward Sera before opening his mouth as though talking, motioning with his hand for her to speak by making it look like a mouth opening and closing.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Oops... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTFbNkr4GD4 Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Tilting her head, Sera wasn't sure what he was doing, or wanting for that matter as she let out a puzzled "urr...?" sound in response. Hearing this, Sliggoo jolt and turned her head, her antennae following the noise as she looked around as if unable to find the source. "Ahh... So it is then..." Chris nodded, his voice making Sliggoo quickly look up at him. Holding his hand out, he waved it in front of her face, getting no response no matter how close or far he waved before her, though her antennae could be seen picking up the wafting sound of the air from his movement. "Yeah... It's true." he sighed, crossing his arms as she tried rubbing her eyes again. "Hate to say it but... That won't fix anything." Chris point out with a nervous smile."Well, while the damage to your skin was fixed, the down side to your evolution is that, uh..." he paused, unsure of how to break what he knew to her gently as Bounsweet and Sera looked at one another, wanting to know as well. Trying to think his words over, Chris scratched his head with an "ngh" of uncertainty before clearing his throat. "Well... Uh... Now that you're a Sliggoo..." he paused again, another nervous smile showing on his face. "You're... Gonna be blind for a little while?" he point out. Hearing this, Sliggoo's purple tone turned white, the girls eyes widening while nearby Zorua muttered "Well THAT'S useless..." in response. Suddenly, a piercing scream escaped Sliggoo's lips in response to the revelation, reaching out and trying to feel her surroundings as she clumsily rolled off Chris's legs, landing with a flop on the ground before racing about in her own panicked and sluggish manner. Bumping into Sera, then Bounsweet by mistake, Sliggoo sweat as she let out hysteric noises.

With the ruckus waking the imp that had been peacefully slumbering in Chris's shadow, Midna's glowing red eyes could be seen groggily opening as its fangs appeared like that of a frown, an agitated growl coming from it making Chris apologize. "Our friend just evolved... She's not taking it well." he point out as Midna's tiny form pulled itself from his shadow and stretched its arms up with a yawn, climbing up his body before sitting on his shoulder with a plop of sorts. Rubbing its eye, the imp watched Sliggoo move about, letting out an "eh?" from seeing her new form and pointing in a "what IS that...?" kind of manner. "Yeah, that was Goomy, neat huh?" Chris smiled, only for Midna to look at the round bump on her back and the lanky appearance of her neck. Tilting its head, Midna was left at a loss of opinion, taking notice of the nearby bush full of berries Zorua had been munching from instead and suddenly perking up, a grin showing on its tiny face before quickly leaping away from Chris and invading the plant for a bite to eat. "Weird creature..." Zorua sneered, putting distance between herself and the bush. "S-So... Uh... How long you gonna do this?" Chris asked, showing a smile and slight sweat on his face as Sliggoo struggled to get her bearings, her newfound heightened senses of hearing and smell throwing her off the same as her lack of sight, unsure of where to go or where to look. Quickly making her way up to the rustling bush, Sliggoo was met with the greedy hiss of Midna, making the Pokemon jerk herself back with a panicked shout and head in the opposite direction back toward Chris while Bounsweet and Sera showed their own sweat. Letting out an uncomfortable noise, Sera turned to her adoptive father with a look of displeasure, not feeling too keen with the situation Sliggoo was having to endure, Bounsweet looking at him just the same.

"I-It's not permanent! Don't worry!" Chris assured while Sliggoo suddenly hit against his leg, letting out a startled noise as he reached down and lift her back on his lap. "Easy! It's not permanent I said. Your sight WILL come back!" he promised with another smile. "You just, er..." he paused. "Y-You uh... Ahh..." he struggled as Sliggoo faced up. "Y-You gotta..." he muttered, tugging his collar. "Have to... Evolve... Again...?" he laughed nervously, the remark suddenly making Sliggoo give an infuriated look as the complexion of her face turned a reddish purple before bickering at him in a "That got me into this mess!!" type of manner, waving her tiny arms in the process as she gave him an earful. "D-Don't blame me!! Blame nature!!" Chris panicked. "Life sucks." Zorua chimed in, suddenly showing a rare grin of amusement. "For some." she added. "Not helping!" he lectured. "Not trying to." she smirked with her nose up. Twitching his eye, Chris raised his finger to respond, only for Sliggoo to call his attention back to her as she continued bickering, making him jolt and sweat with his hands up. "I-I'm sorry!! At least your skin recovered!!" he reminded, only for Sliggoo to spread her arms out and wave them while continuing to rant, affirming her skin wasn't the point in her own way. "C-Come on... Why me...?" Chris sulked, causing Sliggoo to hop in place on his lap in a "Why YOU?! Why ME?!" manner. "I-I'll still take plenty of care of you! So no worries! You'll be just fine, I promise! You'll be seeing again in no time!" Chris assured. "You've got all of us here for support too so... We're good, right?" he asked, trying to maintain a smile while Bounsweet and Sera gave the best assurance they could, though they were just as nervous.

Finally ceasing her rant, Sliggoo sulked on Chris's lap in a defeated manner, letting out a miserable "Why me...?" type of noise in a drawn out manner before she started streaming tears, bawling on him making Chris slump as well. With all of them realizing it was still an uphill climb for their companion, he and the girls did their best to coax and encourage Sliggoo as she fell into a depressed state, her situation having seemingly gone from bad to worse in her now sightless eyes despite the support of those around her, save for Midna who was busy happily gorging on berries while Zorua grumbled about the annoyance of the scene before her, listening to the wails as the noisy moment continued...