The White Robe Chapter 21

The house was quiet when Corbett opened the door and walked in. He was used to coming home late and having his wife already in bed asleep when he got home. He specifically called and asked for her to wait up for him this evening, though, so the eerie...

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The White Robe Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19 By the time Corbett left the tenement, the sun was going down. Preparations had been made, and plans had been set in motion, and now all he had to do was pull them all off without Lewis and his goons finding out about them. He pulled his...

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The White Robe Chapter 22

As much as she hated to admit it, Caitlin was starting to get used to the routine of the prison. The lights came on in the morning at the same time, and this morning, she was awake and sitting on the edge of her bunk when they did. As soon as they came...

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Paradise of Coexistence Chapter 1

A paradise of Coexistence chapter 1 Coexistence with more than one species was something only humans had accomplished, but Arceus had been graceful to pokemon. He gave them a spot where no humans would reach, it was named Paradise, only Pokemon could...

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Ooh this could be messy But you don't seem to mind Ooh don't go telling everybody And overlook this supposed crime -Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean DISCLAIMER: I know that almost every character here should have Geordie accents. But...

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[Detective Thusrdays] Banned

The next morning found me at FRD airport with the Commissioner. We'd agreed that meeting the backup at the pass would probably head off any ill will with the show of good faith. The airport staff had set aside a room for us to meet in, as there was...

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Cross Hares

**Cross Hares** I'd like to start this off saying it was a dark and stormy night, foreboding and wicked, but that'd be a lie as cheap as the bourbon in my bottom desk drawer. No, dusk had just fallen and the sky outside was clear as the windows I...

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Kade Chapter 5

Kade--Chapter 5 Well, this was certainly unsatisfactory. Kade reread his own notes, based on the information that Eric Stone's employer had given them. Yes, they had the footage of Eric Stone both entering and leaving the factory and even more footage...

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Coming Soon-Chronicles of the Accused (teaser)

_Coming Soon:_ _Chronicles of the Accused_ _A Vote-Driven Series_ _By Nightshade_ It all started with a knife. That knife not only took the life of poor Freya Kay, but it pierced the veil that separated the seemingly perfect lives of the...

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Legacy Chapter Twelve

Due to the conditional nature of psychological programming, certain universal control measures have been put into place in order to reinforce the biological limitations placed upon all current generation chimeras. First, is the control collars, which...

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"What the hell do you mean, I'm dead?" Were I anyone else, such a question would probably have sent me in search of some nice young males in their clean white coats (or whatever other fur color they might have) to come and take the speaker away. I,...

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Preying on the Past Ch. 9 - Know when to Hold Em

All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 9 - Know When To Hold 'Em.** "Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed." - Irene Peter **Miami, FL** **August 9, 2012** Well, since we are here..." I muttered as I...

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