The Redemptive

God's work shall yet portray a bringer of curse, a black feather, ye roads of salt does he lay for all those, not to discriminate a man of the cloth, an infidel wroth to him, we are all made of clay we will not hear we will not speak we will not


heaven or hell, introduction

This light i could think clearly again i need to move on from this state of mind i've fallen from the highest skies i have to make my wrong a right my wings have turned black from hate of the highest power i want revenge but i must let my anger subside they discriminate

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This Disease Called Hate

My friend wanted to write a song about homophobia and discrimination so this is what we came up with...

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v. Murasaki Talks (6~15~07)

Love doesn't discriminate based on species or age, why should it discriminate on gender or anatomy?" murasaki nodded vigorously. "that's true. personally, i call myself a lesbian just because i've never met a male who really appealed to me.

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Differentials: Part 9 - Reality Check

Even now, two hundred years after the same-sex discrimination, and twenty after the defeat of the reklan, the humans were only just starting to emerge from their xenophobic shells.

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True Self (An Original Song Lyrics)

Intoleration, i fight every day discrimination, always in my way. but nothing can stop what i believe, for i am what i am meant to be. _stand for what is true. don't hide what defines you. expose your true side and show your pride.

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- - our long silence is broken in the eyes of mlk and mahatma violence in our actions will be the death of us - - - - we stand as one to fight for one others are granted this right but we are not we are discriminated

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Hottest in Summer Challenge (Come On, participate!)

Unfortunately, upper summer has a majority of bigot and discriminate people, having a hatred towards 'faggots', humans, and other certain species. lower summer contains a number of marshlands, various plantations scattered about the various dry segments.


Standing Out: Lucas's Tale

Like i said, i shouldn't have snapped, but it made me so angry, especially since the security guards were black... you'd think of all the humans out there that they'd understand prejudice and discrimination.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 1

discrimination existed closer to home than i had thought, and in two months i had moved out and moved here to la. i lived in an enormous, luxurious penthouse suite alongside the other werewolves.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 23)

She's managed to get a "get out of jail free" card when it comes to carnie discrimination! heck, any discrimination! she's into ram fighting and weird smelly sheds and i still think she's adorable!

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Snapshot 3: Wolf and Pony

"if you were a corporation, i would sue your ass for sexual discrimination because to me, to me," he emphasized, "if someone is good enough to date as a woman, he's good enough to date as a man.

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