The Old Violin

There that old dusty relic sat- neglected, battered, and ancient. In its better days, that violin might have been used as by a philharmonic society or string quartet but in the home of Thomas and Margaet Chamberlin, the old collection of strings and...

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For No Apparent Reason- A2S1

ACT TWO, SCENE ONE TED LEGRASSE enters, wearing a rain jacket over his police uniform as outside the police station the weather has turned foul. He meets in his office Dr. MAXIMILIAN THURGOOD, the psychiatrist for the police department. Ted...

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For No Apparent Reason- A1S2

DAVID JENKINS sees the floor of his wonderful Rhode Island mansion melt away as a huge fireball engulfs him, filled with smoldering heat. He sees a volcanic caldera, smells sulfur and can hear the screams of millions of condemned men and women who have...

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For No Apparent Reason- Intro, A1S1

Setting: Providence, Rhode Island Dramatis Personae: Dave Jenkins- (Manx cat) Tormented every night by psychotic episodes and horrific nightmares, this housecat has had several consecuitve dreams about being tortured by demons. Since his...

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Miracle of the Gulls

It had been another frustrating day for Eli Parhamm, the fox. But this frustrating day was simply indicative of the entire year of 1848 for the farmners of Deseret- the farmers who had spent hours in the hot sun over the summer would have their hard...

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Memorial to a Coyote

The beach in Northern France was so quiet and so serene, a polar opposite of that day decades ago. This was Memorial Day for Nathan Calhoun and for the first time in decades Mr. Calhoun, the elderly coyote, grey in his muzzle, saw the beach which he in...

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33 Floors Part 3

When the elevator stalled, Mathieu knew that he would simply have to walk up the other 30 floors to the top of the building. It was not something he particularly liked nor did he know what Hiram Serra, the lion whom he had contracted out for this job...

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33 Floors- Part 2

As soon as Serra and Barnette opened the door, the lion and fox were greeted by the raucous shouts of people gathered to watch a band perform in the lobby. Based on what was shown on the drumheads, the name of the band was "Murphy's Law". This band was...

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33 Floors- Part 1

Mathieu Barnette was not the kind of fox to be satisfied with the small things in life. He wanted things which were large for the town of Bien Faisant and as the city's mayor wanted to bring great talent in architecture and the illusion of bigness in...

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A Coyote's Last Days

The coyote looked around for any of the other animals with the accursed dark fur- those would be the ones who all but eliminated his people in wars that had spanned the decades and centuries beforehand. He was just a victim as was his entire people of...

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The Secret Life of Joseph Davidson

"So, I'll be going to the salon to get my headfur done and I'll be back this afternoon," Joanne said. She was a beautiful vixen and Joseph felt very glad to have her but there were times when the two were apart both physically and psychologically, that...

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Papa Legba

To say that Hector Jimenez was unlucky at love was a massive understatement. In spite of frequenting all the nightclubs in Santiago searching for the woman who would be his girlfriend, the poor wolf had come away empty-pawed each time. Oh, he could...

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