For No Apparent Reason- Intro, A1S1

Story by Darryl the Lightfur on SoFurry

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#1 of For No Apparent Reason

Setting: Providence, Rhode Island

Dramatis Personae:

Dave Jenkins- (Manx cat) Tormented every night by psychotic episodes and horrific nightmares, this housecat has had several consecuitve dreams about being tortured by demons. Since his prescription of tetrabenazine, a powerful antipsychotic drug has run out, he hasbecome completely paranoid and is also agoraphobic (afraid of going outside). The latter condition led him to hire a caterer to feed him privately at a whopping cost. He owns an impressive collection of firearms which he will use when the demons appear.

Hieronymus Tverdovsky + Lara Guyton- (Wolf and Lioness) He is a Warsaw-born immigrant employee of the catering service that Jenkins uses to feed himself who speaks in broken English, she is his assistant who seems to develop a bit of an affection for the insane cat. They would report him to authorities but Jenkins is the most steady business they have, tipping them large amounts of money to keep his condition secret. Dave calls the lioness "Sun" and the wolf "Moon". Their unwillingness to seek professional help has actually made the condition worse.

Father Domingo Cruz (Fox) A celibate Roman Catholic priest who sold his parsonage home to Jenkins himself before the nightmarish and psychotic dreams came. He recently met a tragic end in a plane crash and Jenkins believes that Cruz is still protecting him from beyond the grave as each of his nightmares end when a fox in angelic garb takes him away from the demons.

Sergeant Ted Legrasse: (Bloodhound) An experienced police officer who has seen many things in his years as a police officer but has no experience dealing with the mentally insane. Each time this sergeant and his men go to the Jenkins household, the caterers say that the problem is under control (having their own vested interest in seeing Jenkins pay them rather than go to the psychiatric ward.) He threatens to have Tverdovsky and Guyton arrested for "obstruction of justice" but only can give a stern warning. When confronted by Jenkins, he warns of a foreboding future war which Ted will find himself in and returning home a double amputee.

Dr. Maximilian Thurgood (White Fox) Former college professor of Psychology and now serving the Providence Police Department as a psychiatrist. He has an interest in religion and has actually promised Legrasse a "bounty" for bringing in Jenkins for examination.

Neighborhood kids: (Various Species) Their innocent little game of baseball in a sandlot next to Jenkins' home is construed by the psychotic cat as demons from Hell congregating and conspiring to kill him.

The Damned: A collection of male and female characters from the Providence Times obituary section collected from the past half-year who Jenkins believes went to Hell and became demons. The Damned torture Jenkins in his nightmares. They include:

Ned Hadley (Otter) Mass murderer killed by lethal injection two weeks ago- Jenkins knew him in high school. He believes that the Grim Reaper which he sees outside his window is actually the skeleton of Ned Hadley given unholy life as Death incarnate.

Patrick "Fizzle" Martinez-(Leopard) A serial rapist with a terrible past who committed suicide while awaiting execution in Providence. He was apprehended two years ago by Ted Legrasse. During his nightmares, Jenkins believes that Fizzle wants to anally rape him as he does many of his earthly victims in Hell.

Bob and Melissa Evans (both coyotes) A married couple who have become a hermaphrodite after both were found murdered by Ned Hadley, who they have grown to hate in the afterlife.

Orisha and Felix Fulgencio (panthers) A Cuban-born prostitute suffering in a hellish dungeon and her son who serves as Jenkins' bodyguard during his nightmares. Though she was pregnant with Felix when they were both killed by myocardial infarction, her sinful nature led them both to Hell.. Demons cower at his sight because he committed no sins, being in her womb when she died.

And let us begin:


Jenkins, Guyton, and Tverdovsky are drinking tea and eating sandwiches in Jenkins' living room. A statue of Michael, the archangel can be seen near a bay window.

Dave Jenkins: I'm so thankful that you two came to our once-every-two days meeting and I'll let you know Sun and Moon that your presence is appreciated. You will be paid for this, I see to that. (takes a bite out of sandwich.)

Lara Guyton: This has got to stop- I understand that you need psychiatric help. Professional psychiatric help- there was a professor I took at the University of Rhode Island who would give you free help maybe even a drug to help you through this. You are suffering from an insomnia that will kill you faster than any so-called "demons" will.

Hieronymus Tverdovsky: No worries, Lara. He pay good money for this food and tip us well. At least more money than I get pay in Warsaw for cooking. (laughs)

LG: (angrily) He needs help, you stupid Polack wolf. More help than we can give him, I'm afraid. And I resent us being called Sun and Moon. It was cute the first time but...

DJ: Stop fighting Sun and Moon, lest I fade away and die, being carried to Hell.

LG: As in one of those nightmares. You need help. I can guarantee that you can go outside and nothing bad will happen. You have these fears for no apparent reason.

HT: It's sunshine day. There no demons present .

DJ: There are demons outside. I hear them shouting battle cries and sharpening weapons. They are under the employ of the Damned. Only God and his angels save me from Hell.

HT: But they kids outside who play baseball.

LG: And that would be the sound of them having fun as you should be doing and hitting the ball. And who are the Damned?

DJ: The suffering in Hell, the ones who are the highest-ranking and come to me every time I sleep. They are all recent deaths (pulls out a clipboard of obituaries from the local paper.) They are plotting to kill me if I walk out the door. At night, I even see the Grim Reaper with an otter skeleton plotting my destruction.

LG: (looks at the clipboard) Ned Hadley, Orisha Fulgencio, Bob and Melissa Evans. These are all condemned prisoners and their victims from the past six months. There is nothing wrong and as nice as the tips are, we must report you to the authorities. Get your ass in gear because we're leaving. (pauses) Right now. (yanks Tverdovsky by the collar of his shirt)

DJ: Don't leave me. I need you more than anything. (starts chasing and falls over on the tile floor, knocking himself unconscious. This triggers yet another unconscious psychotic episode.)