Day 5 - Visor

This job was different than your usual. You and most other hackers got your tasks from a deepweb message board, where punks like you showed off the stuff they'd hijacked, plotted group work, and competed to see what the most prestigious domain you...

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The First Time

"And it's not permanent?" You ask them. "No, of course not. We do have some long-term clients. We are not taking any such positions right now, but everything here is reversible, we assure you" You nod. You've wanted this. Ever since you heard...

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The Dragon's Due Chapter 3

Your sleep is fitful, and you dream of what your life was even just a few days ago. Living with her, she gave your life meaning. Each time you see her in your dreams, she slips through your fingers and disappears into the fog again....

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A Boring Party

The party was rather dull, and its guests duller, all save for one who commands your gaze with only her presence. She isn't very tall, compared to some of the other members of her delegation. But by far, she is the only one you have eyes for. Her...

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Slime Misadventure

Today was the day that you'd start your adventure out in the world and leave town for the first time in your life. The Adventurer's Guild had posted a notice that all new adventurers were welcome to help combat the rise in the monster population. You...

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Transformation Vignette: How It's Made - St. Andrews Crosses

As your new dom snaps the right ankle cuff closed, binding you securely to the wooden cross behind you, a dull sensation flows through your body, as if your leg has fallen asleep - but over every inch of your flesh. Joints lock as the texture and tone...

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Hypnovember 30 - Awaken

Your sleep is as dreamless as it is restful. Your eyelids are slammed shut, unaware of anything outside of them--unaware you have eyelids at all. Your mind does not race. It is still like the night. No matter the obligations you had before or the...

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The Hunter's Notes

Your light flickers slightly as you step into the abandoned shack. _This_ is where the map leads you? A dilapidated shack, in the middle of nowhere, on a little-known backwater planet? There had to be a mistake, but you were already here so no point in...

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The First Night is the Hardest

You find yourself standing in a field, the full moon slowly creeping up over the sky as the last remnants of golden sunset fade on the horizon. You are shivering; the night is warm, but you still feel a chill from nervousness. You look...

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The Initiative

\>it was late evening in the half ruined city. \>the combined shelling and aerial bombardment had left portions of it almost flat, but other areas remained relatively untouched. \>house to house fighting had been required to finally dislodge the...

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You and Him

_this is my first second-person, present-tense story. i am obliged to remind you that due to the content of this story you must be of legal viewing age for your country. in this story, you are at home with your husband, him having just arrived from work.

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_This story was written entirely spontaneously, after spending about an hour alone, essentially role-playing the dialogue in my head before writing it. If it seems rather rough or unwieldy, it's because I spent very little time editing it - I didn't...

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