The Simulation

I grab and dawn the head seat and take a deep breath and say, "Okay computer, run simulation 2-9-1." As I open my eyes, I see the crystal blue waters of the ocean. Above me are memorizing patterns of small waves. Off in the distance, a small boat...

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The Fox and the Sea

The Fox and the Sea =================== by Graowf The Fox, he ran 'til the shore and the sand he met on a gray twilight morn. "'Tis the edge of the world! Why, isn't it grand? I have found where Sky is born!" cried the Fox to the whispering...

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At the pier (sea lion/human vore)

The king of the beach had finally met a challenger he couldn't intimidate and in a day or so jim would exist only as sea lion fat, whatever droppings it released at sea and memories.

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Song of the Freed Sailor

Sailing the waters, so young and just me, Ye ledle-ledle-lee ledle-ledle-lee di di di, The waters were high and I felt oh so free, Ye ledle-ledle-lee ledle-ledle-lee di di di. Sea, oh ye waters, so tall will hit me, Ye ledle-ledle-lee...

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Ice Howl Part 1

I am not quite sure if what I'm doing is pure regret or fascination. The trip from my home village to the harbor at the Far East part of the continent was a contribution, but to travel with a group of seafaring Lycans is something that borders both....

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Seas Be Ours - Prolouge

The Seas be Ours By Dustin Breazeale Prologue The long hallway was lit by a row of torches. Dancing flames illuminated the normally dark path, reflecting their light off the royal red rugs. There were no paintings or murals on the walls....

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POV vore - you and a sea lion

You love walking down the beach. It's your after-school thing, following the tide line for a mile, then doubling back and returning to the dorm. It's different every day, with one thing after another washed up on the beach. Usually it's just kelp and...

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Sky and Sea

But if you are ever at sea, and have the misfortune to find yourself in a particularly fierce storm - the kind where the sea and sky are so churned up you can hardly tell one from the other, and strange voices seem to scream through the air and water - you

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Hunt at Sea

Cody rushed to the rail, feeling his face get splattered by the spray coming off the side. The boat lurched beneath the stoat's feet, forcing him to grab on tight. He braced against the water washing back off the...

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The Aral Sea

It was sweaty and dark on the barge, and the heavy booming of the speakers sent vibrations all through the structure. Desi stood in the knee-deep salt water, moving and thrashing with the other dancers at the concert. The yellow perch was sweaty and...

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Starry Sea

Bert momentarily surfaced for breath, catching sight of the nearby beach and the starry sky, before diving down to rejoin his friends. The chubby seal beat his flippers, focusing on the shimmering forms of the...

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On an Endless Sea

January 4th, 1135 Surprised I was able to get any sleep during the night. Guess you can sleep anywhere if you're tired enough, even a small wooden lifeboat getting tossed about a wide open ocean with a whole lotta nothing as far as I can see. Believe...

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