Luke and i rushed back into the office to locate danath. danath gaul has to be one of the luckiest men ever. he was unharmed behind the filing cabinets, just restanding when luke and i re-entered danath's office.

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danath was sitting there in his office chair. "hiya danath! we just arrived in capetown. how's it going?" danath grinned. "well, well... if it isn't the little lost bishop. any problems, harvest stallion?"

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I was surprised that danath was tongue tied for a change. this surprised me. "spit it out, danath. what are you trying to say?" danath turned away for a moment, staring at the chess organization's logo on the wall.

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Act V

I glanced up at danath and merely grinned as i shook my head. "what mission do you have for me this time, danath?" danath blinked his eyes. "what makes you think i have a mission for you?" i again grinned.

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danath began to curse, but i stopped him. "he's not free yet, danath. he just made a grave error. now, everyone wave bye to mr. hodgson and smile knowingly." everyone did as i asked.

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"we got danath's call and we figured you might need some timely aid!" marla admired danath in his asgardian armor. "you look well in that, danath. are those the skammers?"

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Act IV

danath actually laughed. that surprised me. shane must be rubbing off on danath, or something like that. seeing danath laugh is spookier than being chased by ys o'dora. a laughing chess master is not a good sign, usually.

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danath then handed me my new jacket. i was now a black bishop. danath smiled at me. "jansen 'the oath taker of xim' tanner. chess will build your complex where ever you like.

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danath gaul was awaiting our arrival at the entrance. his expression seemed somewhat grim. "that's not exactly a pretty picture. what happened this time, danath?" danath glared at me intensely.

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danath just laughed. i then proceeded to tell him what caused this, in detail. danath wasn't laughing after that; he was taking notes. danath was starting to leave and i asked him to wait.

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I carried the urn as i reported in to danath gaul. i set the urn on his desk, then presented my report. danath listened to me as i recited forth on what had happened. when i finally finished, danath stood up and came around the desk.

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Act VI

Did danath just say 'ranks'? as in more than one rank? danath continued. "i'll process your new white knight rank immediately.

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