In the Enemy's Territory 17

"What the!? Dammit! _Anubis_! I really don't wanna like ye!" Oh, good. Jack was up and had discovered the most current of late night miracles. While Silver had been driving the tractor back from one of the further fields at the end of the...

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The Fur Thief

It was a really nice day. The most perfect kind of spring day, in fact. Just the right temperature, and not a cloud in the sky. A sweet, gentle breeze to keep it from being too warm in the sun, and the shade perhaps a bit chilly. Not that Fern minded....

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Plowed Cloud

The night was hot and muggy. It felt a lot on the outside as she did on the inside. She wasn't even suppose to be out here, wandering around in the fields so late. Everyone else was asleep, but the burning in her body wouldn't let her do the same. ...

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A Night to Remember

Slipping out the front door of the den was impossible, but that had never stopped her. As papa's favorite helper in the shop, she got to snag all kinds of tools that let her get into the back ventilation shaft and outside to do... what? Well, she...

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In the Enemy's Territory 16

The thick jangle of chains were as crisp and clear as the night he had sat on the hard floor of the creaking, tousling caged wagon while they descended the mountains that had felt as much like a prison as his home. Nothing else really came to focus,...

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In the Enemy's Territory #19

"Hey, Jack! Here're those letters we was waitin' on." Fern leaned into the window to hand his Alpha the officially sealed and stamped letters. "I caught the courier just as he were pullin' up." One was larger than the other, and it made Jack frown...

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The Radkial Legacy: Silver's Story

He was soaked to the bones that showed through his fur, and he couldn't feel his paws from the cold. Still, he trudged on through the driving rain, barely able to the see the muddy road he had been aimlessly following for the last... how many days had...

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In the Enemy's Territory 15

"Damn it, Anubis! I'm tryin' not to like ya!" Jack's cry had rung through the hamlet near daily whenever he discovered something done only a god could do. It was what he had woken to after another sleepless night with nothing else to do but stack...

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In the Enemy's Territory 14

His senses were sluggish to be alert. Sucking in air, he peeked up at Nova sitting beside him. He glanced around and she smiled. "Omma said it's okay if I sit with ye for now. I only been here a few minutes." He needed to shift and moaned,...

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In the Enemy's Territory 13

It took Anubis entirely too long to realize that the world wasn't upside down. He was just on his back. With a groan, he rolled over and lay his head between his paws when it pounded. Peering around bleary eyed, he realized much of the pack had already...

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In the Enemy's Territory 12

The next day started as the others. Denver and Long Fang noted Silver was missing, his assistance replaced by another of Nova's brothers of another mother, Swift River. Otherwise, they all worked at getting the heavy harness on him. Out in the...

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In the Enemy's Territory 11

The sun struck his aching eyes with a piercing fury. Sitting up slowly, weary to the soul, he squinted at the beam that aligned perfectly to assault his vision. His nose quivered with a myriad of other animals that were already eating and milling...

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