Breaking Free

Prologue~ James is an otter who is a senior at BullHorn highschool just only 2 months left in his final year in highschool and he has been hiding a secret his whole life and he really wants to come out of the closet and the only person he has too...

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The Long Departure

The long Departure Characters: Species: Age: Height: Kory Otter 18 5'7" Scotty Otter 20 5'9" -Schools out- The bell rang. "Finally schools out, I wonder what my bro is doing." Kory said. Kory began to walk home which was only like a 10 to 15min...

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I Gotta Let Love Decide

-I gotta let love decide- \*RINGING\* "Hello." Jeremy said. "Hey Jeremy." Josh said. "Oh hi Josh, what's up?" Jeremy asked "I called for a reason, its obvious." Josh explained. "What is it." Jeremy asked. "Well... I... We... aren't working out."...
