The Creator

I am the one, the origin, the forgotten. There are few who know of my existence and all of them are almost as ageless as myself. Without me nothing that is or ever was would have existed. I created the legendaries, gave them each a their powers and in...

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A New Love, A New Eeveelution chapter 2

After racing through the mostly deserted viridian forest, we finally find a suitable camping spot. We wordlessly make camp. "Okay, the tents are up, woods gathered and camp is made," I say checking things off in my head, "Let's eat!" I snap my fingers...

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A New Love, A New Eeveelution

Hey everyone this is the first part of the only story I've written that I'm comfortable with posting. Please comment with your true thoughts and if I reply angrily just ignore it because it just meant I had a bad day when I read it. ()= additional...

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