
Dew shimmered on the window from the fading evening light, giving a lackluster amount of visibility inside the office. With each passing moment, the sky faded until it was gray, and the water gradually froze into a thin layer of ice, blurring the...

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The Summoning

Lightning flashed in the sky, piercing through the dark of night. Only barely was the moon visible between stormy clouds, making enough visibility to show a raccoon, who stood alone in an empty cemetery with only the cold whistling wind and desolate...

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When Penguins Fly

Repetitive music played on loop from the ceiling speakers of the busy supermarket. A short, chubby penguin in a gray shirt and pants stood behind a cash register, while an endless line of creatures flooded his aisle, while the grimy conveyer belt...

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Life is But a Game

Wind blew over the green field, the grass and trees rustling together. Dew from the previous night's rain was carried with it, providing a grassy and earthy scent to the air. White puffy clouds lazily grazed over the ocean blue sky while a white fennec...

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A dull yellow light flickered above he fox's head, while the sound of a whirring fan went on tirelessly. The room was small, the carpet old and stained, and the walls made of splintery wood. 'At least it has its own bathroom,' the fox thought as he...

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