A Trial on Souls

She pounded through the forest, dodging trees swiftly as she had memorized the path. The night air tickled her soft fur and danced upon her rolling shoulder blades. A honey-drunken brown bear crashed from the bushes and stood up wanting another kind of...

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A Quite Unrestful Rest

Serenity lay in her bed quite wrapped up in the peace that sleep will put you in. She was enjoying the solitary joy that a dream induced when upon a tickle of the ear, she was awakened from her slumber by a sound. She stirred looking to the window and...


A Silent Observer

She took one sip. It was all she really needed. Just enough to get the taste to soak her lips with the acidic taste of the alcohol. She had hoped that by sitting alone that it would send to signal to any man that wanted to hook up with her tonight that...


A Trial on Souls page 2

She was awake. She realized that she was fully conscious again. Actually, she had known this for some time, but she hadn't wanted to accept her reality. Her body painfully shook occasionally from the healing of her ripped muscles. This was her cave,...

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