Spyro and Cynder destiny Ch.1

Cynder just sat there, on one of the five beds in the Dragon Temple. She had nothing to do, but to lie down, close her eyes, and think about stuff; imaging the thoughts in front of her. So she drifted off to the dream land. In the dream land, she was...

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A new path...

The cold wind flowed in-between my numb paws, as I walked the path of hatred, and loneliness. That was the only thing I Did feel. The cold wind, loneliness; and hatred. But for wat reason I wandered. Are their other feelings? Good feeling's...

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A new life, a new owner...

‘'Help! Some body Help!'' the female fox yelled, In-between choking. The smoke filled her lungs, as the heat burned her eye's... She layed there helplessly, hoping some one would come to help... the smoke had lead her tired, and the only made it...

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A second chance? (continuation of wolves revenge)

Era woke up to a soft type of preasure on his muzzel, that was covered in tear's. He opend his eye's, and saw a light grey paw. pulling away from his muzzel. He didnt move, but looked into the direction of the light grey, with white travelling from the...

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A purpose, or a drift

The sound of rain started to get louder, as the pack laid on the cold hard rock floor, next to their mates, sides touching, sharing each others warmth; all but one wolf did this. The one was called Era, short for Era'kanath. He never had a mate, and...

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A Warm Winter at That

I woke up again to the light in my eyes, blinking slowly as my eyes opened a little more... I woke up alone... In this small cave... It had been two weeks since my parents were killed by humans... I had barely survived by eating...

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Spyro and Cynder destiny Ch.2

Time: 10:43am System: Fore Runner Planet: Earth ''Woooaahh!'', the two dragons yelled as they flew through the air. Then they hit the ground, and tumbled head over tail, before stopping. Spyro was the first one to get up, as Cynder...

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MTR - Chapter 2

Nathen slept peacefully, more than he ever had; half covered in a dark blue, furred/cotton blanket with his muzzle lying sideways on a soft but firm pillow. Every time Cody or Brodie passed him; they would give him a stroke or soft pat in absolute...

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Character Reference

I may have wrote in here and the story somewhere about Nathen being a Shiba-Inu' this is not the case xD Nathen is a 'japanese style' Akita-Inu thats been genetically modified, reletively having the same abilities and looks as a Shiba-Inu, but being...

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MTR - Chapter 1

Warning, Contains content for adults (18+) if you're not 18 or over you have been warned... If someone can send me a proof-read file of this id be happy to look it over and give credit :3 If someone can do a cheap but well done avatar for this story...

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Spyro and Cynder Ch.3

And in came a dragon fly. A small one at that but its attitude surely changed those opinions... SPARX!!! ...Spyro?! They both ran forth and tackled each other. Sparx's strength was surprising for his size. But the magic, that traveled through...

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A flame doesnt always die: Ch.1

''Help! Some body Help!'''' the female fox yelled, In-between choking. The smoke filled her lungs, as the heat burned her eye''s'' She layed there helplessly, hoping some one would come to help... the smoke had lead her tired, and the only made it...

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