Demiverse: Agents of the Realm -- Chapter 1

Marek hated working these remote assignments. Far removed from any civilized towns, these places were lawless at best and had the uncanny ability to attract any form of low life within a hundred leagues. If a business had any but the smallest of...

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Demiverse: Agents of the Realm -- Prologue

Aiyesh stared at the moonlight that managed to find its way through the tiny window far above her prison. The nights were getting cold again, had a full turn already passed? If it had, the fates either favored or despised her, maybe both. She could...

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Demiverse: Agents of the Realm -- Chapter 2

Marek headed straight for the exchange counter. The smuggler shouldn't be in any particular hurry, unless he just wanted to distance himself from the arena. Judging by the stunned look on the man's face and the fact he hadn't moved from the pit's edge,...

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Demiverse: Those of the Light - 2

He'd never really lived in the house. Sure he stopped by every once in a while to clean the place out, but beyond the table, a small lamp and three remaining chairs, there wasn't much in the way of furnishings. The place at one time was probably a farm...

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