A Day Off

More beautiful lands, one'd have to look hard for. The skies were ever so clear, not a single cloud obscuring the view of the sun from down in the forest that consisted of large, healthy trees, a green luster filling each and every ounce of the forest...

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A Trip to Extinction: Continued

Working through the system of tunnels that all led to and from the main valley was no easy task. It took the two of them a good three hours of endless crawling through the cramped, unpleasant spaces. Three hours filled with pain, complaints, bruised...

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A Trip to Extinction

The large beast lowered her head down to Bartleby's own, her near-scorching breath washing over his face like heat radiating from a furnace. She spoke then, and there was a vicious growl to her tone. "Where is it, you pitiful little human?" She asked,...

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