The Dragonslayer's Quest

The Dragonslayer's Quest The high mountain forest was lush and green, the day cool and bright. Puffy fair weather clouds dotted the sky like errant sheep. Through shadows and bright splashes of dappled sunlight rode a very curious...

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Do Dogs Have Souls?

Do dogs have souls? I heard this one day, standing outside the nave of a local church waiting for the rest of my family to emerge after services. A young boy asked his father, as they passed, "Dad, do dogs have souls?" Apparently a family pet had...

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The Auditor - Act 3: There is no Act 3

It now displayed a clearer, though still somewhat grainy and littered with tailing debris, image of five ships emerging from the outward ripple of distortion wake caused by jumping in. They were far closer than the freighter and turning to...