One for the Road - Stranded

"Sir?" Cody grunted softly, stirred from a doze. He blinked several times, looking around blearily, realizing he'd dozed off. He took in his surroundings, seated in a sitting area near the food court of the truck stop. Looking out the large pane...

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One for the Road - Snowbound

"Gack!" Cody shook his paw to free it of the snow that'd fallen off, and grasped the door handle again to swing it open, hinges creaking lightly. "Ah, there y'are! Was uh, hopin' you didn't get cold feet. Moreso n' the snow caused," Brandon said,...

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One for the Road - Sleeper

Cody tried not to keep staring at the ferret as he worked. A second night was promised if he absolutely had to, but with the clerk's shift only starting 2 hours ago, the coyote wasn't sure he could keep awake that long. He continued staring out the...

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One for the Road - Debris

Cody awoke, gently at first. He didn't remember falling asleep on a balloon, but it felt really nice to nuzzle his snout and face into, and he sighed happily. The balloon starting to pet along his back jogged his memory, and he squeezed a little...

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One for the Road - Nightgown

"Is it weird I don't know if this kind of snowfall or the blizzard are prettier?" Brandon turned as the key clicked in the lock, looking down to Cody. "Hmm?" "Like, it's pretty. At least at night like this. Was prettier where we parked, without the...

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One for the Road - Go-Go Juice

The plates clunked with a dull thud as the waitress placed several steaming dishes on the table before the pair. "Full spread with cinnamon bread, and a double waffle with eggs for you, darlin'. Anything else I can get for ya right now?" the husky...

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