First Time For Boy

As Heath walked out of work, slugging his work pack over his shoulder he smiled weakly at the passing cani-humans in the office glaring at him. Wishing that this human would disappear from their lives and their world. Heath quickens his pace walking...

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Midnight Fucking

As Bruce finished his smoke and was about to turn in for the night he heard some rustling and branches snapping in the distance. He walked along the track and went through the bushes holding his digital camera to his chest as he trudged through the...

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First Time, Part 4

The next few days were a blur, the funeral, meeting all sort of different half-breeds from mum and dad's work to what few friends they had here in this world. Thomas had been there every step of the way, organizing the house, the will, what I get...

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First Time, Part 3

I have never had a nightmare, one of which is filled with pure terror, it was as if I were re living it all over again, right there in person. **"Please STOPP OWWWWWWWWWWWWW UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT HURTTSSS" feeling the pain kick in as the wolf...

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First Time, Part 2

Rubbing my face back and fourth over a rough surface, slowly waking up taking in my surroundings. The sun pouring in through the windows, providing warmth the beams settling on the filthy clothed covered floor. Raising my head up as I slowly...

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