He came on the Western Winds Ch. 4

Fire... There was so much fire. Remnant could barely breath through the thick smoke that weaved its strangling fingers through the trees. His long ears perked up as screams carried on the wind. His village. He ran back, the thick haze of smoke only...

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He Came on the Western Winds CH. 3

His palms began to sweat. His eyes looked around quickly, his pupils darting from one side to the other as he watche the beasts grab and slice at his friends. Rain dodged and slid around as best she could, but every step seemed to see her slower than...

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He Came on the Western Winds

The desert was a hostile place. It's inhabitants hardened by the terrain's insistence that the weak die either by the hand of something stronger, or the harsh conditions that the sandy dunes provided. The sun bore down upon its inhabitants especially...

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He Came on the Western Winds Ch.2

Usually to be encased in water was considered a blessing in the desert. To be drenched in a cool layer of water accompanied by a nice northern breeze whistling through your home. But Remnant did not enjoy it at all when he awoke screaming, a layer of...

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After Swim Shower

I always swam later in the evenings. As an otter I should be proud of my swimming abilities, and yet I can't help but be ashamed of my own skills in the water. I was a late learner though, as an early life viewing of Jaws saw to my fear of water....

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