Not Alone

 The cold breeze filling the air, the flickering of lights shining down upon the cement, the soft tapping of feet against the sidewalk. All these were contained in that one street, which was lined with shops, businesses, and allies. The...

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The Start of a Wild Week

A mix of scents filled the husky's nose as he made his way through the gym locker room; the smell of sweat drenched fur, sex and a musky odor lingered in that place. The stench was impossible to ignore. Some enjoyed the smell, while others weren't as...

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Breaking In the New Toy

Amidst the quiet of the room there came a small groan, followed by the rustling of sheets upon a bed. A white tail poked its way out of the sea of silken ebony as it swayed back and forth. The dalmatian's head soon followed, his single black ear...

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Lights and sounds filled the darkened living room of the house in the cool crisp afternoon, trees rapping against the window. Gray fur-covered thumbs pressed against buttons on a simple black controller, emerald eyes fixed upon the screen. A wide smile...

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