Fine Art

The rain bucketed down with such ferocity that spending 5 minutes in it would get you soaked to the bone. Unfortunately the leopard had been out for a good 5 minutes and even his bones were getting soggy. Desperately he looked down the street for...

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Falling into it.

Hmmm, warm... the midafternoon sun always washed him in a pleasant state of relaxation even when perched up in the canopy of those stray trees one often see's in the middle of the barren wastes that they call aftrica. He wasnt so much perched though,...

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More Jealousy

A thin trail of smoke rose from within the cubicle. It was caught be the draft blown by the air conditioner and swept away into nothing, stolen of its chaotic beauty so simply. The cat held his cigarette to one side and flicked the butt repeatedly with...

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He couldn't believe what he was doing, whose stupid idea was this anyway? I mean, couldn't they come up with something more, universally feasible? The humming of the electric shaver echoed around the bathroom, drowning out the music he had left on in...

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