Jewel: Chapter Four

Vedran was content with his little kingdom and the domain that he governed. For the moment, at least. There were other all-controlling tyrants, true, like Malkariss; whose scope was much more powerful and far-reaching, but Malkariss had been a...

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Jewel: Chapter Two

**Chapter Two** No sooner than the words had left his mouth, Slagar looked disdainfully down at the bedsheets that covered him up to his chest. He immediately realized he was clad in only his off-white linen undershirt and braies, and nothing else....

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Jewel: Chapter One

**Chapter One** A small group of several creatures; consisting of stoats, ferrets, and one scrawny little weasel were trekking through the forests, grumbling under their breaths all the while. Their warlord, the fox, Vedran, had sent them out on this...

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Jewel: Prologue

**Prologue** Slagar the fox awoke slowly, and hell's teeth; the first thing he became aware of was the pain. There was a stabbing, pressing feeling in the middle of his chest and ribcage, almost as though someone had hacked at him with a hot knife....

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Jewel: Chapter Three

The next three days passed quickly and with surprisingly little event. Vedran had not been by Slagar's quarters since their first fairly brief initial meeting, and the masked fox genuinely wondered when the warlord was going to negotiate with him...

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