Ishari - chapter 4: Humble Beginnings

Helen raced down the street, her summer dress fluttering about her feet. For the moment, she was happy and carefree. School had just let out, and she knew she was starting the last summer of her youth. She fully intended to enjoy this summer before the...

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Ishari - chapter 3: Endgame - part 3 of 4

Her name was Belle. She was a tall, regal woman who favored long black gowns. She kept her hair cut short and always carried herself with a confident poise. She felt these qualities were important, and had spent a lifetime cultivating them. She was,...

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Ishari - chapter 2: Endgame - part 2 of 4

Helen sat on her front porch reading. More accurately, her eyes traced a path across the words as her mind wandered. She had read the book so many times there really was no point to it. She took in each word, each sentence in order, but had no idea...

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Ishari - chapter 1: Endgame - part 1 of 4

The war is over. Lieutenant Fox stood on the observation deck of the _Valient_ watching the stars pass by. His knuckles had gone white from gripping the railing too tightly. The war is over. A single tear escaped down his cheek as the fear finally...

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