The Junker

What can I say? I had been working on the ship for about 3 months and it wasn't half bad. The ship travelled the galaxy, delivering cargo to a small space-station just a couple of lightyears from Neptune. The scientists had to eat, right? By the way,...

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VOFF Ch 2: Alex's Transformation

I'm trying. I hope to eventually gain the trust of those who have begun to read my stories. Anyhoo...the continuing adventures of Alex in the Village of the Forming Fruits! This time, however, it will be from a new perspective... ...

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~Christmas for Zeke~

Happy Holidays everyone. I'm not very religious, but I do enjoy a certain amount of christmas cheer at this time of year. That's why I wrote this little tale about a christmas present with a bit of zing. This will be in a few short chapters. You know...

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Logic Takes a Flying Leap-Chapter 1: The Cat, the Kitsune, and the Asylum.

Hello everyone. Yet again, it's another off-the-top-of-my-head story. This time, I copied it down as I thought it up and did some revisions. This story is muchly based from a game called Alice, which, in retrospect, was pretty much Alice in Wonderland...

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The Blast Felt 'Round the Universe Part 1

Hello. Canoa here to bring you a sort-of spur-of-the-moment story. This took no planning and came off the top of my head. All I know is that it's gonna be a space-style furry adventure for everyone. Sit back and...

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VOFF Ch. 1:Alex's Discovery

This is a story series I came up with awhile back. It's full name is The Village of the Forming Fruit,and I think its going to be good. It'll take awhile and have about 7 chapters...or maybe more,I don't know. Some of the Chapters will have yiff,some...

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The Dragoniss of Orcha Isle

Hello everyone. I am Canoadai Obsidiann Drake,also known as Canoa. If you recognise this name,then you most likely know me from YiffChat. This is my first story,a bit about my past and how I met Dracos. Excuse its shortness. Enjoy! Thanks go out...

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