When the Sun Sets, the Moon Rises

When the Sun Sets, the Moon Rises Trask sighed as he looked over his share of the booty from the latest raid. "Why the long face Trask?" Asked Blatherskite as he cleaned his rifle. "Of course with one like yours that could be an improvement!"...

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**Recruitment** Kilrath turned the corner, following Banner closely as they walked down the street. The last of the winter snows had melted and for once the wind wasn't blowing, making walking less of a chore than it usually was. The cracked...


Danger Money

**1** I slowly crawled forward another inch as the sentry's eyes looked the other way, freezing once more as he turned my way again. I had been stalking this sentry for nearly four hours now, since he had relieved the previous watch. I had...

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Children of Steel

**1** "Gene design and splicing, 100,000 dollars." OK, I thought to myself while continuing to stare straight ahead, at least I wasn't cheap. "In vitro fertilization, 10,000 dollars." Aw come on, whatever happened to the gift of...

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