The show pt.2

Name:Sean Greene Species:hippo Gender:male Hight:8.0 foot Weight:260 Build:chubby Description: has short brown hair a big belly and mouth small green eyes with a scar going down his right nostril, he was not handsome but for a hippo good...

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The show pt.1

The welcome my little friend to the "observatory"... Oh you don't know what that means! And your blind folded! And you don't know who you are! And you can't talk... How peculiar but it must be that something we put in that brain of yours, a little chip...

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Chapter 2 The wild wastes... It has been 5 hours of driving now and nothing even remotely resembling civilisation. A few wrecked buildings but nothing worth staying in. campingisn't an option because I saw a few bandit camps here and there. The...

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Improbable story's Chapter 1 How did it come to this... Hello I'm star I'm a wolfmorth and you may be wondering how it may have come to this well I'll tell you. It all started yesterday... or was it Sunday or Monday. It doesn't matter now all I...

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